¨&&&¨¨¨¨&& ¨¨¨&¨&¨¨¨¨
¨&¨¨&¨¨¨&¨ ¨¨¨&&&&¨¨¨
¨&&¨&&¨¨&& &¨¨&¨¨¨&¨¨
¨&¨&&¨&¨&¨ &&¨&&¨¨&&¨
¨&&&¨&&&&& ¨¨&&¨&¨&¨&
&&¨¨&&¨¨¨¨ ,£# rain #£, ¨¨&¨&&&&&&
¨¨&¨&¨&¨¨¨ = &¨&&&¨¨¨¨¨
¨¨&&&&&&¨¨ ¨%&@ downpour @&%¨ ¨&&¨¨&¨¨¨¨
¨¨&¨¨¨¨¨&¨ = &&¨&¨&&¨¨¨
¨¨&&¨¨¨¨&& ,£## waters from #£#, ¨¨&&&&¨&¨¨
¨¨&¨&¨¨¨&¨ ¨%@ the skies @%¨ &¨&¨¨¨&&&¨
¨¨&&&&¨¨&& &&&&¨¨&¨¨&
&¨&¨¨¨&¨&¨ rain offeres several advantages over ¨¨¨¨&¨&&¨&
¨&&&¨¨&&&& ordinary weather: ¨¨¨¨&&&¨&&
&&¨¨&¨&¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨&¨¨&&¨
&¨&¨&&&&¨¨ there are beautiful sounds &¨¨¨&&¨&¨&
¨&&&&¨¨¨&¨ ¨&¨¨&¨&&&&
&&¨¨¨&¨¨&& the air feels cleaner ¨&&¨&&&¨¨¨
&¨&¨¨&&¨&¨ &&¨&&¨¨&¨¨
&&&&¨&¨&&& the temperature drops &¨&&¨&¨&&¨
&¨¨¨&&&&¨¨ &&&¨&&&&¨&
¨&¨¨&¨¨¨&¨ there are fewer people going outside so ¨¨¨&&¨¨¨&&
&&&¨&&¨¨&& you can more or less drink in public ¨¨¨&¨&¨¨&¨
&¨¨&&¨&¨&¨ ¨¨¨&&&&¨&&
¨&¨&¨&&&&& plants get that water they crave &¨¨&¨¨¨&&¨
¨&&&&&¨¨¨¨ &&¨&&¨¨&¨&
&&¨¨¨¨&¨¨¨ insects hide away ¨¨&&¨&¨&&&
¨¨&¨¨¨&&¨¨ &¨&¨&&&&¨¨
¨¨&&¨¨&¨&¨ you can use umbrellas without looking &&&&&¨¨¨&¨
¨¨&¨&¨&&&& like a weird person ¨¨¨¨¨&¨¨&&
&¨&&&&&¨¨¨ &¨¨¨¨&&¨&¨
&&&¨¨¨¨&¨¨ any underground water reserves are &&¨¨¨&¨&&&
¨¨¨&¨¨¨&&¨ replenished &¨&¨¨&&&¨¨
¨¨¨&&¨¨&¨& &&&&¨&¨¨&¨
¨¨¨&¨&¨&&& the water in the lake or sea feels &¨¨¨&&&¨&&
&¨¨&&&&&¨¨ warmer in comparison, so its nicer ¨&¨¨&¨¨&&¨
&&¨&¨¨¨¨&¨ going swimming ¨&&¨&&¨&¨&
¨¨&&&¨¨¨&& ¨&¨&&¨&&&&
&¨&¨¨&¨¨&¨ after dark, streetlights will make ¨&&&¨&&¨¨¨
&&&&¨&&¨&& groovy reflection in the asphalt &&¨¨&&¨&¨¨
&¨¨¨&&¨&&¨ ¨¨&¨&¨&&&¨
&&¨¨&¨&&¨& any potential pets will come inside &¨&&&&&¨¨&
¨¨&¨&&&¨&& ¨&&¨¨¨¨&¨&
&¨&&&¨¨&&¨ ¨&¨&¨¨¨&&&
¨&&¨¨&¨&¨& &&&&&¨¨&¨¨
¨&¨&¨&&&&& &¨¨¨¨&¨&&¨
¨&&&&&¨¨¨¨ &&¨¨¨&&&¨&
&&¨¨¨¨&¨¨¨ &¨&¨¨&¨¨&&