..££....£. £.........
£....££... ..££££££££
..££....££ £..£££££££
.....££..£ ....£££££.
££££...... £££..£££..
.££..££££. ££....£...
......££.. ...~~~ Outside ~~~.. £..££...££
.££££..... ,,,,*****,,,, ......£...
..££..££££ £££££...££
.......££. Everything Cool Happens Outisde! It'S ££££..£...
££££££.... Where Weather Happens, It'S The SunS £££.....££
£££££..£££ Domain. ££..£££..£
££££....££ £....£....
.££..££..£ Trees Are Outside, RiverS Are Outside, ..££...££.
.......... Most AnimalS Are Outside. £....£....
££££££££££ ..££...£££
£££££££££. ,,,,*****,,,, .....£..££
££££££££.. ££££.....£
£££££££... "Inside" Is An Artificial Construct £££..£££..
.£££££..££ .£....£...
..£££....£ Mathematically Placed Trees On The Side ...££...££
...£..££.. Of The Road .£....£...
££........ ...££...££
£..£££££££ Cities Come At A Peculiar And Horrible .£....£..£
....£££££. Cost, That Must Be Kept Secret. This Is ...££.....
£££..£££.. The Power Of "Inside" .£....££££
££....£... ...££..£££
£..££...££ .£......££
......£..£ ...££££..£
.££££..... ££..££....
..££..££££ £......£££
.......£££ ..££££..£.