,,===%£¶## ##¶£%===,,
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,,===%£### ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ###£%===,,
,,===%%%%¶ £ the dam outside veszelle. £ ¶%%%%===,,
,,,=====£# £ the hydroplant £ #£=====,,,
,,===%£¶## ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ##¶£%===,,
,,,,==%%¶# #¶%%==,,,,
,,=====%££ it's all - it's all about circles, about ££%=====,,
,,===%£¶## toruses ("donuts"), it's about spinning ##¶£%===,,
,,,,===%¶# very fast and then inviting a spiral. #¶%===,,,,
,,,,,,==%£ £%==,,,,,,
,,===%£¶## ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ##¶£%===,,
,,===%£### ###£%===,,
,,,====%%£ a ring, like a halo, surrounds me. my £%%====,,,
,,===%£¶## badge as plant supervisor. grants me ##¶£%===,,
,,===%£¶## powers. lights me up in the subtle ##¶£%===,,
,,==%£¶### silver-blue color of the plant. ###¶£%==,,
,,===%£¶## ##¶£%===,,
,,===%%£¶# the plant lures the mist from atop the #¶£%%===,,
,,,,==%£¶# dark sea water. it's siphoned inside #¶£%==,,,,
,,===%£¶## the great mechanism. ##¶£%===,,
,,===%£¶## ##¶£%===,,
,,,,===%¶¶ there's internal workers there, capable ¶¶%===,,,,
,,===%£¶## of surviving turbine conditions. ##¶£%===,,
,,===%£¶## they're escaped and reeducated ##¶£%===,,
,,===%£££# liquid glass cats, always carfully #£££%===,,
,,===%£¶¶# adjusting the mirrors inside the torus, #¶¶£%===,,
,,===%£¶## absorbing and emanating various mist ##¶£%===,,
,,,,,===%£ wavelengths, feeling for other things £%===,,,,,
,===%£¶### in the mist. ###¶£%===,
,,===%££££ ££££%===,,
,,=====%¶¶ water spirits are separated, pushed ¶¶%=====,,
,,,,,,===£ into the center funnel, into the sharp £===,,,,,,
,,,,===%%£ prism at its bottom.their voices £%%===,,,,
,,==%£¶### combine each night into a wonderful ###¶£%==,,
,,===%£¶## chorus as they are refracted. ##¶£%===,,
,,,,,,,==£ £==,,,,,,,
,,==%£¶### ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ###¶£%==,,
,,====%%£¶ ¶£%%====,,
,,,,,,==%¶ the dam. the hydroplant at the edge of ¶%==,,,,,,
,,,,==%££¶ the sea. we power our little pets with ¶££%==,,,,
,,===%£¶¶# this energy. #¶¶£%===,,
,,===%£¶## ##¶£%===,,
,,===%££¶# #¶££%===,,
,,===%£¶## ##¶£%===,,
,,===%£¶## ##¶£%===,,
,,===%£¶## ##¶£%===,,