###£%$:=-. .-=:$%£###
###£%$:=-. .-=:$%£###
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#£%%%$:=-. ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ .-=:$%%%£#
###£%$:=-. £ The Dam Outside Veszelle. £ .-=:$%£###
###£%$:=-. £ The Hydroplant £ .-=:$%£###
#£$$$:=-.. ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ..-=:$$$£#
###£%$:=-. .-=:$%£###
###£%$:=-. It'S All - It'S All About Circles, About .-=:$%£###
###£%$:=-. Toruses ("Donuts"), It'S About Spinning .-=:$%£###
###£%$:=-. Very Fast And Then Inviting A Spiral. .-=:$%£###
£$::=--... ...--=::$£
#£%:--.... ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ....--:%£#
#£$$$$:=-. .-=:$$$$£#
####%$:=-. A Ring, Like A Halo, Surrounds Me. My .-=:$%####
£$==...... Badge As Plant Supervisor. Grants Me ......==$£
###£%$:=-. Powers. Lights Me Up In The Subtle .-=:$%£###
####£%:=-. Silver-Blue Color Of The Plant. .-=:%£####
##£$=-.... ....-=$£##
####£%$:-. The Plant Lures The Mist From Atop The .-:$%£####
#££%:-.... Dark Sea Water. It'S Siphoned Inside ....-:%££#
###£%$:=-. The Great Mechanism. .-=:$%£###
£%$:-..... .....-:$%£
###£%$:=-. There'S Internal Workers There, Capable .-=:$%£###
###£%$:=-. Of Surviving Turbine Conditions. .-=:$%£###
£$:===---. They'Re Escaped And Reeducated .---===:$£
#%:--..... Liquid glass Cats, Always Carfully .....--:%#
####%$:=-. Adjusting The Mirrors Inside The Torus, .-=:$%####
###£%$:=-. Absorbing And Emanating Various Mist .-=:$%£###
##%:==-... Wavelengths, Feeling For Other Things ...-==:%##
####£%$:=. In The Mist. .=:$%£####
###£%$:=-. .-=:$%£###
###£%$:=-. Water Spirits Are Separated, Pushed .-=:$%£###
####£%$=-. Into The Center Funnel, Into The Sharp .-=$%£####
###£%$:=-. Prism At Its Bottom.Their Voices .-=:$%£###
####%$:=-. Combine Each Night Into A Wonderful .-=:$%####
###£%$:=-. Chorus As They Are Refracted. .-=:$%£###
##£%:-.... ....-:%£##
###£%$:=-. ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ .-=:$%£###
###£%$:=-. .-=:$%£###
###£%$:=-. The Dam. The Hydroplant At The Edge Of .-=:$%£###
###£%$:=-. The Sea. We Power Our Little Pets With .-=:$%£###
####%$:=-. This Energy. .-=:$%####
#£$$=..... .....=$$£#
£%%:=..... .....=:%%£
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££%:=-.... ....-=:%££
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