@£:::,,,,, ,,,,,:::£@
@£§~~:,,,, ,,,,:~~§£@
#@£@£§:~:, ,:~:§£@£@#
£@@@£§:~:, ,:~:§£@@@£
£@@£§:::,, ,,:::§£@@£
@@@§§~,,,, Always Tears In My Eyes When Using The ,,,,~§§@@@
@£:~,,,,,, Machine. ,,,,,,~:£@
@@§~:,,,,, ,,,,,:~§@@
#@£@£§:~:, I Don'T Think It'S Hormonal Overload. ,:~:§£@£@#
£@@§~,,,,, There'S No Grief Or Joy As My Water ,,,,,~§@@£
££££§§:~:, Rolls Down My Face. I Notice Nothing ,:~:§§££££
##@£@£:~:, Until My Chin Is Wet. Wipe It Off With ,:~:£@£@##
@@£@£§:~:, The Back Of My Hand. But I Usually Keep ,:~:§£@£@@
##@@£§:~:, Crying For A While. ,:~:§£@@##
@£@@£§:~:, ,:~:§£@@£@
##@£@§:~:, I Theorize Some Kind Of Resonance In ,:~:§@£@##
£@£::::,,, The Neural Interface; Some Saturation ,,,::::£@£
£@@@£§:~:, Signal Being Tripped? The Connection Is ,:~:§£@@@£
#@£@£§:~:, Imperfect And Often Induces ,:~:§£@£@#
@£:::,,,,, Single-Sense Hallucinations. Acute But ,,,,,:::£@
#@£@£§:~:, Hollow Hunger. Sand Grains Under My ,:~:§£@£@#
#@£@£§:~:, Fingertips. Strange Tastes And Scents. ,:~:§£@£@#
@@£@£§:~:, ,:~:§£@£@@
@@£§~:,,,, And I Mean, Maybe It Isn'T To Far ,,,,:~§£@@
#@£@£§:~:, Fetched That Something Like That Can ,:~:§£@£@#
#@£@£§:~:, Cause Autonomous Reactions? Dry Mouth. ,:~:§£@£@#
@£££:::~:, Finger Spasms. Opened Tear Ducts. ,:~:::£££@
££§~,,,,,, ,,,,,,~§££
@££§::~:,, ,,:~::§££@
#@£@£§:~:, ,:~:§£@£@#
@@£@£§:~:, ,:~:§£@£@@
@@£::,,,,, ,,,,,::£@@