##=»,,,,,, ,,,,,,»=##
£#$=»»,,,, ,,,,»»=$#£
##£#$=/»,, ,,»/=$#£##
#=»,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,»=#
#$$$=//»,, ,,»//=$$$#
#@£#$=/»,, They Built The Final Nightclub On Top ,,»/=$#£@#
#@£#$=/»,, Of An Undocumented Research Site. Each ,,»/=$#£@#
@£#$/»,,,, Floor Closer To The Collapsed Warp ,,,,»/$#£@
@@£#$=/»,, Prototype. Did They Know At The Start? ,,»/=$#£@@
£££#$=/»,, Classified Maps Had Gone Missing Some ,,»/=$#£££
#@£#$=/»,, Years Before. ,,»/=$#£@#
£$=/,,,,,, ,,,,,,/=$£
£££#$=/»,, The Deeper You Descend, The Stranger ,,»/=$#£££
####$=/»,, The Environment - First More ,,»/=$####
#@£#$=/»,, Enthralling And Intrusive, Then Seedy ,,»/=$#£@#
##£#$=/»,, And Predatory, But Pierce Deeper And ,,»/=$#£##
£$=»»,,,,, There Will Be More Peculiar Effects. ,,,,,»»=$£
#@£#$=/»,, Your Sense Of Space Will Seem To ,,»/=$#£@#
#$///,,,,, Distort (It'S Actually The Spacetime ,,,,,///$#
@@£#$=/»,, Itself That Is Becoming Fluid), Then ,,»/=$#£@@
@£##$=/»,, Your Body, And Finally Your Sense Of ,,»/=$##£@
#@£#$=/»,, Self. ,,»/=$#£@#
#@£#$=/»,, ,,»/=$#£@#
##£#$=/»,, # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### ### ,,»/=$#£##
##£#$=/»,, ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##### ### ,,»/=$#£##
###===/»,, ### ### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ,,»/===###
£££#$=/»,, #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ,,»/=$#£££
@@£#$=/»,, ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ,,»/=$#£@@
#$=»»»,,,, ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ,,,,»»»=$#
@££#$=/»,, ###### ###### ######## ######## ,,»/=$#££@
#@£#$=/»,, ######## ######## ######## ######## ,,»/=$#£@#
#$==»,,,,, ######## ######## ######## ######## ,,,,,»==$#
@££#$=/»,, ######## ######## ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,»/=$#££@
@@£#$=/»,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,»/=$#£@@
#@£#$=/»,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,»/=$#£@#
###$=/»,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,»/=$###
££$=»,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,»=$££
#@£#$=/»,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,»/=$#£@#
£$==/,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,/==$£
#@£#$=/»,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,»/=$#£@#
@@£#$=/»,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,»/=$#£@@
£#$//,,,,, ,, ,, ,» ,» ,» ,» ,» ,» ,» ,» ,/ ,/ ,/ ,,,,,//$#£
####$=/»,, ,/ ,= ,= ,$ ,# ,£ ,@ ,# », », »» »/ »= ,,»/=$####
##$=»,,,,, »$ »# »£ »@ »# /, /, /» // /= /$ /# /£ ,,,,,»=$##
#@£#$=/»,, /@ /# =, =, =» =/ == =$ =# =£ =@ =# $, ,,»/=$#£@#
@#=»,,,,,, $, $» $/ $= $$ $# $£ $@ $# #, #, #» #/ ,,,,,,»=#@
###$$=/»,, #= #$ ## #£ #@ ## £, £, £» £/ £= £$ £# ,,»/=$$###
#@£#$=/»,, ££ £@ £# @, @, @» @/ @= @$ @# @£ @@ @# ,,»/=$#£@#
#@£#$=/»,, #, #, #» #/ #= #$ ## #£ ,,»/=$#£@#
##@£$=/»,, The Ceiling Is Covered In Actual Stars. ,,»/=$£@##
@#===»,,,, Eyes Above ,,,,»===#@
##@£$=/»,, Fading Into Silver Flakes As They Fall ,,»/=$£@##
#@£#$=/»,, Bubbles In Drinks ,,»/=$#£@#
#@£#$=/»,, ,,»/=$#£@#
#@£#$=/»,, Drinks With A Secret Ingredient, That ,,»/=$#£@#
@@£#$=/»,, Makes You See The Stars Even When You ,,»/=$#£@@
#@£#$=/»,, Close Your Eyes. ,,»/=$#£@#
#@£#$=/»,, ,,»/=$#£@#
@££#$=/»,, At These Deeper Levels It Can Be Hard ,,»/=$#££@
##=/,,,,,, To Remember Who And Where You Are ,,,,,,/=##
#==//»,,,, (Were). Normal Staff Is As Transformed ,,,,»//==#
#@£#$=/»,, As Guests. Instead, Care And Protection ,,»/=$#£@#
@££#$=/»,, Are Offered By (Overly Flirty) ,,»/=$#££@
@@£#$=/»,, Pool toys And Other Such Automatons. ,,»/=$#£@@
#=/,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,/=#
#=//,,,,,, If You Stay Above Absolute Madness, ,,,,,,//=#
#=»»,,,,,, There Is Some Sort Of Control To Be ,,,,,,»»=#
##@£#$=»,, Had. You Could Slip Into Your Ideal Dog ,,»=$#£@##
@@£#$=/»,, Body There, Explore That. You Could ,,»/=$#£@@
#@£#$=/»,, Drink Poisonous Ambrosia And Not Be ,,»/=$#£@#
#@£#$=/»,, Burned Away. You Could Explore ,,»/=$#£@#
@@£#$=/»,, Territories Just As Mapless As Those ,,»/=$#£@@
£##=/»,,,, Closer To The Core, But With A Chance ,,,,»/=##£
££$$$=/»,, Of Finding Your Way Back. ,,»/=$$$££
£$/»,,,,,, ,,,,,,»/$£
#@£#$=/»,, ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,,»/=$#£@#
#@£#$=/»,, ,, The Honey Is A Trap And There'S A ,, ,,»/=$#£@#
#@£#$=/»,, »» Sting, A Sting, A Sting. »» ,,»/=$#£@#
#$=»»,,,,, /, It'S In Your Eyes And It'S In Your ,/ ,,,,,»»=$#
£##$/»,,,, =, Mouth And Your Hands, Their Hands ,= ,,,,»/$##£
#$/»,,,,,, $» It'S In Your Heart And In Your »$ ,,,,,,»/$#
##@#$=/»,, #/ Mind And The Minds Of Those Around /# ,,»/=$#@##
##@£$=/»,, £= You, Their Hearts, Their Bodies. =£ ,,»/=$£@##
@#$=»,,,,, @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ ,,,,,»=$#@
#@£#$=/»,, And If You'Re Lucky, You'Ll Never Get ,,»/=$#£@#
@£#=»»,,,, Out. Don'T Bite The Other Guests. ,,,,»»=#£@
£#$/,,,,,, (Or Do) ,,,,,,/$#£
#==/»»,,,, ,,,,»»/==#
#=/,,,,,,, The Deeper The Floor Goes, The More ,,,,,,,/=#
@@£#$=/»,, Expensive The Drinks. This Is Not ,,»/=$#£@@
#=»»,,,,,, Coincidental. The More Expensive The ,,,,,,»»=#
##@£$=/»,, Drinks, The More Likely It Is That ,,»/=$£@##
##@£#=/»,, Someone Will Buy Them For You. ,,»/=#£@##
@#$$$=/»,, This Is Also Not Coincidental. If ,,»/=$$$#@
#$=/»,,,,, Someone Buys You A Drink, They Are Very ,,,,,»/=$#
££$=/»,,,, Likely To Take Care Of Your Needs In ,,,,»/=$££
#==»,,,,,, Other Ways As Well. ,,,,,,»==#
@#$==»»,,, ,,,»»==$#@
##==/,,,,, ,,,,,/==##
#$=»»,,,,, ,,,,,»»=$#
##£#$=/»,, ,,»/=$#£##
£#=»»,,,,, ,,,,,»»=#£