,,»=***¤## ##¤***=»,,
,,»=*¤#### ####¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## ##£#¤*=»,,
,,,»»»**## ##**»»»,,,
,,,,,»»»*# #*»»»,,,,,
,,»===¤¤£# #,,,,# #£¤¤===»,,
,,»=*¤#£## #,,,# #,,,# ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*#£### #,,,# #,,,# ###£#*=»,,
,,,,»**¤££ #,,,# {roe} deer #,,,# ££¤**»,,,,
,,,,»»=*## #,,,# #,,,# ##*=»»,,,,
,,»=*¤#££# #,,,# #,,,# #££#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## #,,,,# ##£#¤*=»,,
,,,,==¤¤¤£ £¤¤¤==,,,,
,,»===¤¤££ ££¤¤===»,,
,,,,,,»*¤# [picture of a deer head, in a garland #¤*»,,,,,,
,,,»»=**¤# woven of various grasses. #¤**=»»,,,
,,,,»»==¤£ the deer has a crown of rowan, and is £¤==»»,,,,
,,»=*¤#£## looking at the viewer.] ##£#¤*=»,,
,,,,,,»=*# #*=»,,,,,,
,,»=*¤#### #,,,# ####¤*=»,,
,,,,,==*¤# #,,,# = #,,,# #¤*==,,,,,
,,,,,»=¤¤£ #,,,# £¤¤=»,,,,,
,,»=*¤#£## ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## in the north, the deer is often used as ##£#¤*=»,,
,,,,,=*#££ a symbol for the forest's agency, or ££#*=,,,,,
,,»=*¤#£## its self-knowledge. watching eyes. ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## warmer regions instead ascribe it the ##£#¤*=»,,
,,,,,,=¤## knife (teeth, rumors of violence), or ##¤=,,,,,,
,,»=*¤#£## obsession (unblinking eyes, always ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## awake, scrapie-like behavior). ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#### ####¤*=»,,
,,,,,==*¤£ #,,,# £¤*==,,,,,
,,»=*¤#£## #,,,# = #,,,# ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## #,,,# ##£#¤*=»,,
,,,»»**¤#£ £#¤**»»,,,
,,,,===¤## the deer is a cross between a horse and ##¤===,,,,
,,»=*¤#£## a dog. it bears a resemblance to a ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## young salix tree, and has a ##£#¤*=»,,
,,,,==¤¤¤# sweet-smelling nose, like honey. #¤¤¤==,,,,
,,»=*¤#£## ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#££# the horns of a deer is called antlers. #££#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## they have a complex fractal shape, and ##£#¤*=»,,
,,,,,,»»*# are believed to enable the deer to #*»»,,,,,,
,,»=*¤#£## "fold" through passages which should be ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## too narrow for them. antlers from dead ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## deer seem to lose this power. ##£#¤*=»,,
,,,»»=**## ##**=»»,,,
,,»==**#££ a deer's heart has two chambers, where ££#**==»,,
,,,,»»*¤£# it stores all the secrets it might see #£¤*»»,,,,
,,»=*¤#£## during the course of it's life. with ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤£### age the secrets will harden into a ###£¤*=»,,
,,»=***¤## caramellized structure, which will ##¤***=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## eventually block the flow of blood, and ##£#¤*=»,,
,,,,,,»=¤# kill the deer. #¤=»,,,,,,
,,»=*¤##£# #£##¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£££ #,,,# £££#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## #,,,# = #,,,# ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤#£## #,,,# ##£#¤*=»,,
,,»=*¤¤#£# #£#¤¤*=»,,
,,»===¤##£ [picture of a deer head. from the far £##¤===»,,
,,,,,,,»*# side, looking the other way. its #*»,,,,,,,
,,»=*¤#£££ antlers are bloodied.] £££#¤*=»,,
,,»=***¤## ##¤***=»,,
,,»»=*¤¤#£ £#¤¤*=»»,,
,,,,,»*##£ £##*»,,,,,
,,»»»=*#££ ££#*=»»»,,
,,,,,»***# #***»,,,,,