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@#¨#¨¨.@£§ &,#,.§.£
.#@@,.&¨.. ¤@§,@#@,.,
#,.&.§&¨.# Fuck dirt ,,. Highly Volatile Auto- .¨#@¨.£¨.¨
@,¤@£,&.¤§ .,¨.,,,.,,... Weaponized Dirtlike .#¨¤.¤&,,£
¨,£§¤§,& Distributed Organism Pool &£&£#,£,§,
.§¨#..,£§¨ ,,¨.§@&£
@§£#,¨&,§& The Fuck Dirt ,Fucks^ ,¨.&¨.¨,¨£
¨¨¨@¨§§£,¨ ,¨&£¨¨¨,£¨
,¨£¤§.,&.¤ ¨,¨,¨¨,.,...¨¨¨.¨¨.¨,,,.,,.,¨¨¨.¨,¨¨,... ,£,£...£§¨
¨£.¨§¨£§¤, .¨,.,¨.,¨,,,...¨,¨,¨...,,,¨¨..¨,,¨.,¨.¨. ¤§¤§¨¨#.#.
§&.@¤@,,#¨ ,¨,§.#@¤£,
,££..@.¤#. A Good Mix Of Spermatodes, Eggs, ..§,¨,¤§
¤.£¨&.@, Larvae, Carcasses,, Worms, Spores, .&,,&¨,&,#
@@#¤¨¨@&¤& Insects And Gross Plants. ##,#§.#§@.
¨,¨#,#.¨,¨ ¨£#,#@¨.@§
,,&@£@,.., You Do :Not, Step On This Without Shoes £¨&£.¤,&.¤
.£,,.¤.,.& Or Smth. Unless You Wanna Get Foot #§,#£@§&£#
#@,,§§,,£¨ Pregnant (Some Do) ¨&£,¨,¨,,§
,#¨£¨§.£¤§ £¨£,,.,.#,
&&&&£##..# ..¨¨¨ &¤@¨¨..@@.
,....,¤.¤£ .,§¨,,£.#@
¨¨¨..££@.£ Escaped From Lab? Inevitability Because ,£§¨,§&@¨#
¨¨,¨§¨¨¤@¨ Of The Conditions On The Alvar? Or Does §¨¤¨#..@£§
.,.¤£,£.#¨ Nature Just Be Like That If You Look £¤&@¤.§,.¤
,¨#¨@¤#@&¨ Close??? ¨..¨£##,#£
.§¤#¨,¨.¤, ,¨.£..#¤.@
#.,§,,,&£@ .,¨..,...,¨,¨¨¨¨,.¨.,,,..¨,,.,¨,,,¨,..,, ,¨##,¤¨&&&
&,&&¨,£¨¨¤ ,-~.:^------^,^^,^^.~-.-,-.-^--^,:.,.,^. .£,#@¤£¨..
£#,§¨#@,¤, †*:/\^^†*:\:^\/†\†;:\†;†/:^;\*/^\=:*:/:* ¤@#.¨,£,.¤
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§.¨,§¤,,£, ¨@#¨£¨@@@.
&¨,¤,£,@@@ &¨&§&@.,#§
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