..££££££.£ .£.£££....
..£.....££ .£££..£...
..££....£. ££..£.££..
..£.£...££ ..£.£££.£.
..££££..£. £.£££..£££
£.£...£.££ == a looming green blimp == £££..£.£..
££££..£££. === a hovering swamp === ...£.££££.
£...£.£..£ the ...£££...£
.£..££££.£ £..£..£..£
£££.£...££ £* == === === == £* ££.££.££.£
...£££..£. = = = = floating tree = = = = £.££.££.££
£..£..£.££ £* == === === == £* £££.££.££.
££.££.£££. ...££.££.£
..££.££..£ home planet £..£.££.££
£.£.££.£.£ of .£.£££.££.
£££££.££££ the bird elves .£££..££.£
.....££... .£..£.£.££
£....£.£.. ======================================== .££.£££££.
££...££££. .£.££....£
..£..£...£ a great fluffy silhouette against the .£££.£...£
£.££.££..£ orange sunrise. it's the floating tree, ££..£££..£
.££.££.£.£ suspended over the forests of venezuela. £.£.£..£.£
££.££.££££ .£££££.£££
..££.££... something swarming around it - bird ££....££..
..£.££.£.. elves. they like the landbridgelessness. ..£...£.£.
..£££.£££. this shit is unconnected. ..££..££££
£.£..££..£ £.£.£.£...
££££.£.£.£ it's the mothership - the elves launch .£££££££..
£...££££££ from here, the ratsonas spawn here (in ££......£.
££..£..... seclusion), most orange juice is made ..£.....££
..£.££.... here ..££....£.
..£££.£... £.£.£...££
£.£..£££.. ======================================== .£££££..£.
££££.£..£. .£....£.££
....£££.££ half of the leaves are .££...£££.
....£..££. astral projections... vines growing ££.£..£..£
£...££.£.£ wildly, untethered by the wind... £.£££.££.£
.£..£.££££ dreamroot poisoning the air (of course .££..££.££
£££.£££... the non-elf inhabitants are waned = an ££.£.£.££.
£..££..£.. addiction they will never beat = or in ..££££££.£
.£.£.£.££. rare cases immune) £.£.....££
££££££££.£ .£££....£.
£.......££ ££..£...££
.£......£. £.£.££..£.
.££.....££ .££££.£.££
££.£....£. .£...££££.