§,,,§,,,§§ ,,,,§§,,§§
,,§,,,§,,§ §§§,,,,,,§
,,,,§,,,,, §§,,§§§§,,
§§§,,,§§§§ §,,,,§§,,§
§§,,§,,§§§ ,,§§,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,§§ @@@@@@@@@@@@@**************@@@@@@@@@@ ,,,,,§§§§,
§§§§§§§,,§ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@**************@@@@@@@@@@@ §§§§,,§§,,
,§§§§§,,,, @@@@@@@@@@@@@**************@@@@@@@@@@@ ,§§,,,,,,,
,,§§§,,§§§ the striped worm, with dripping @@@@@ ,,,,§§§§§§
,,,§,,,,§§ segments in yellow, in hot pink, in@@@@@ ,§§,,§§§§,
§§,,,§§,,§ purple, in other such colors. $$$$$ ,,,,,,§§,,
,,,§,,,,,, silently: "it's not real." (repeat $$$$$ ,§§§§,,,,,
§§,,,§§§§, to yourself) "its not real." you $$$$$ ,,§§,,§§§§
§,,§,,§§,, stumble in the cave and drop the $$$$$ §,,,,,,§§§
,,,,,,,,,, phone, alerting the worm. $$$$$ ,,§§§§,,§§
,§§§§§§§§§ *******@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@**********$$$$$$ §,,§§,,,,,
,,§§§§§§§§ ********@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@**********$$$$$$ ,,,,,,§§§§
,,,§§§§§§§ ********@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@**********$$$$$ §§§§§,,§§,
§§,,§§§§§§ ***** (in a situation like this you're §§§§,,,,,,
,,,,,§§§§§ ***** meant to call for worm crew, but ,§§,,§§§§,
§§§§,,§§§, ***** instead here you are crawling ,,,,,,§§,,
,§§,,,,§,, *****backward on all fours) the worm has ,§§§§,,,,,
,,,,§§,,,, @@@@@ started to pulsate, so you must ,,§§,,§§§§
,§§,,,,§§§ @@@@@ avoid it's gaze, which is hard §,,,,,,§§,
,,,,§§,,§§ @@@@@since it covers your entire vision. ,,§§§§,,,,
§§§,,,,,,§ @@@@@@@@@@$$$$$$$$$$$$$$***********@@@@ ,,,§§,,§§§
§§,,§§§§,, @@@@@@@@@@$$$$$$$$$$$$$$***********@@@@@ §§,,,,,,§§
§,,,,§§,,, @@@@@@@@@$$$$$$$$$$$$$$***********@@@@@ ,,,§§§§,,§
,,§§,,,,§§ it's smiling, you can hear it's @@@@@ §§,,§§,,,,
§,,,,§§,,§ skin shift to reveal its teeth. and@@@@@ §,,,,,,§§§
,,§§,,,,,, then the wet sound of the maw @@@@@ ,,§§§§,,§§
,,,,,§§§§, opening, a terrible opening that's @@@@@ ,,,§§,,,,,
§§§§,,§§,, growing and still growing. @@@@@ §§,,,,§§§§
§§§,,,,,,, $$$$$$$$$$$$@@@@@@@@@@@@@************* §,,§§,,§§§
§§,,§§§§§§ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$@@@@@@@@@@@@@************* ,,,,,,,,§§
§,,,,§§§§, $$$$$$$$$$$$@@@@@@@@@@@@@************ ,§§§§§§,,§
,,§§,,§§,, ,,§§§§,,,,
§,,,,,,,,§ ,,,§§,,§§§
,,§§§§§§,, §§,,,,,,§§
,,,§§§§,,§ §,,§§§§,,,
§§,,§§,,,, ,,,,§§,,§§