.:-;*$$§§¶ ¶§§$$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
...:;;;$§§ §§$;;;:...
.:-;*$¶### ###¶$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
.....:-*§¶ music, as we know it, is a sound. or ¶§*-:.....
......:;$¶ actually, since this is a stereo ¶$;:......
.:-;*$§¶## broadcast, it's two sounds. ##¶§$*;-:.
.....--;$§ §$;--.....
.:-;*$§¶¶¶ there is a sound, for each ear, two ¶¶¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## sounds combined into one. one for each ##¶§$*;-:.
....:;;*$§ ear, your brain, will take care of that. §$*;;:....
.:---***§§ §§***---:.
.:-;*$§¶## if you listen through speakers, the ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶¶# sounds will intermingle in the air, #¶¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## they will cross-pollinate around you, ##¶§$*;-:.
...::-**§§ become something else. we can't be held §§**-::...
.-;*$§¶### responsible for that :) ###¶§$*;-.
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
..:-;**§¶¶ but in the beginning, on our end, there ¶¶§**;-:..
.:-;*$§¶## are two signals, a left soundwave and a ##¶§$*;-:.
.....--*§¶ right soundwave. ¶§*--.....
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶¶# #¶¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§§§# and when we slow it down... you can #§§§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## hear the creatures beneath, inbetween ##¶§$*;-:.
.....--*$§ the waves. §$*--.....
....:-;;$¶ ¶$;;-:....
:-;*$§¶### ###¶§$*;-:
.:-;*$§### ###§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## its like with the ocean... there are ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;$§¶### waves, on top. but underneath, there ###¶§$;-:.
......--*§ are kilometers of water, deep water, §*--......
.:-;*$§¶## dark water. ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
....:;*§§¶ and in these slow and heavy waters, ¶§§*;:....
..:-;;$§¶# there are other things, other living #¶§$;;-:..
.:-;*$§¶## things. they say they are slower than ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## the stars, ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;;;;*$§ that the pressure is so great, they §$*;;;;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## might even be older.... they are, in ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## any case, audible.... ##¶§$*;-:.
.....-*§§¶ ¶§§*-.....
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§### ###§$*;-:.
......-**§ well, whatever, thanks for tuning in! §**-......
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## radio free gigahertz is free as in ##¶§$*;-:.
.....-**§# speech, not as in beer. it's nice that #§**-.....
.:-;*$§### you've been able to find us, since we ###§$*;-:.
.:-;*$$$¶¶ by design ¶¶$$$*;-:.
.:-;*$§§¶# #¶§§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## keep no permanent medium or location. ##¶§$*;-:.
....:;*§§¶ they dont really like us, they'll find ¶§§*;:....
.....-*$¶# us too easily if we stand still. #¶$*-.....
...:-;**§¶ ¶§**;-:...
....:;*$¶¶ we've taken our time, tried to find our ¶¶$*;:....
......-*§§ shape, there has been a lot of trial §§*-......
.:-;*$$§§# and error, #§§$$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
.....-*$$¶ and also a physical venturing into the ¶$$*-.....
...::::;*§ dark, to find the gigahertz, and to §*;::::...
.:-;*$§¶## free them. ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§§§§ §§§§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## at the end of the day, we are thankful ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## that you are able to join us tonight. ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## you are welcome to try again another ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## night, but know that ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;;*$$¶# #¶$$*;;-:.
.....-;;$¶ we cannot keep a channel open for too ¶$;;-.....
.:-;*$§¶## long. we will be out there though, and ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶¶# we pray that you'll find us again. if #¶¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$$$§# we both #§$$$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## reach out, it might happen. im ##¶§$*;-:.
...:;;**§¶ adressing all of you personally right ¶§**;;:...
.....-*$§# now. #§$*-.....
....:;*$$¶ ¶$$*;:....
.:-;*$§¶## anyway, i personally believe there ##¶§$*;-:.
.....:;*$¶ might be something, some underlying ¶$*;:.....
.:-;*$§¶## force connecting us... and it might ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## very well ##¶§$*;-:.
......:-*§ §*-:......
.....:;$$§ choose to do so, again, in the future. §$$;:.....
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
...:-*$§¶¶ until then -- keep on diggin. keep ¶¶§$*-:...
.:-;*$§¶## on doing what you do. ##¶§$*;-:.
.....:;;$¶ ¶$;;:.....
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
.:--;;;;*§ §*;;;;--:.
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
.:-;*$§¶## ##¶§$*;-:.
.....:;;*§ §*;;:.....