&&&...&... .&&&.....&
&&..&...&& ..&..&&&..
......&... ......&...
&&&&&...&& &&&&&...&&
&&&&..&..& .&&&..&..&
&&&....... @@@@\\\\^^^^####@@@@@@@@\\\\^^^^####@@@@ ..&.......
.&..&&&&&& ^^^^####@@@@@@@@\\\\^^^^####@@@@@@@@\\\\ &...&&&&&.
.....&&&&& @@@@@@@@\\\\^^^^####@@@@@@@@\\\\^^^^#### ..&..&&&..
&&&&..&&&& \\\\^^^^####@@@@@@@@\\\\^^^^####@@@@@@@@ &.....&..&
&&&....&&& party, bathroom, door locked, lights ..&&&.....
.&..&&..&& off, shower curtains drawn. floor full ...&..&&&.
.........& of dirty clothes, of garbage, and as i &&.....&..
&&&&&&&&.. start to unzip my pants, she steps out ...&&&...&
&&&&&&&... of the shower and pushes me to &&..&..&..
.&&&&&..&& ####@@@@@@@@\\the^^ground.@@@@@@\\\\^^^^ &.........
..&&&..... @@@@\\\\^^^^####@@@@@@@@\\\\^^^^####@@@@ ..&&&&&&&&
...&..&&&& i wish to be contacted by some &..&&&&&&.
&&.....&&. [god, alien] who would bestow upon me ....&&&&..
...&&&.... some incredible power that will set .&&..&&...
&&..&..&&. everything right forever. what i don't ........&&
&......... know is that this happens multiple .&&&&&&..&
..&&&&&&&& times per second - they ask me: "when ..&&&&....
&..&&&&&&& you said the world egg was your ideal ...&&..&&&
....&&&&&. body type, did you mean it"? i answer &&......&&
.&&..&&&.. "not really, but i can act like it for ...&&&&...
......&..& you, if you'd like". at this point &&..&&..&&
.&&&&..... however they have already erased my &.........
..&&..&&&& memory of the encounter and moved on. ..&&&&&&&&
.......&&& subconsciously, this is where my ...&&&&&&.
&&&&&&..&& ^^^^###sadness@@\comes^^###from@@@@@\\\\ &&..&&&&..
.&&&&....& @@@@@@@@\\\\^^^^####@@@@@@@@\\\\^^^^#### .....&&...
..&&..&&.. \\\\^^^^####@@@@@@@@\\\\^^^^####@@@@@@@@ &&&&....&&
.........& ####@@@@@@@@\\\\^^^^####@@@@@@@@\\\\^^^^ &&&..&&...
&&&&&&&&.. &&......&&
&&&&&&&... ...&&&&..&
&&&&&&..&& &&..&&....
.&&&&....& .......&&.
..&&..&&.. &&&&&&....