##£§$$=«~, ,~«=$$§£##
##£§$$=«~, ,~«=$$§£##
#§$=«,,,,, ,,,,,«=$§#
###§$$=«~, ,~«=$$§###
£$$==«~,,, ,,,~«==$$£
£§$=««««~, ,~««««=$§£
##£§$$=«~, ~~~#, "Time" ,#~~~ ,~«=$$§£##
#£$=«,,,,, $#,,,,,,#$ ,,,,,«=$£#
##£§$$=«~, ,~«=$$§£##
##£§$$=«~, The Passing Of Things Or States After ,~«=$$§£##
§§$$«~,,,, Each Other In The Dream. ,,,,~«$$§§
#§$==~,,,, People And AnimalS Are Expected To ,,,,~==$§#
##£§$$=«~, Adhere To This Mostly. ,~«=$$§£##
##£§$$=«~, ,~«=$$§£##
##£§$$=«~, « «§« « ,~«=$$§£##
§$==«~,,,, ,,,,~«==$§
##£§$$=«~, For Practice, Try To Envision What You ,~«=$$§£##
###£$$=«~, Are Doing And What You Want To Be ,~«=$$£###
§$$=~~,,,, Doing, And Imagine A Path Between The ,,,,~~=$$§
##£§$$=«~, Two. ,~«=$$§£##
###§$$=«~, ,~«=$$§###
##£§$$=«~, (If You Are Fine Where You Are, Forget ,~«=$$§£##
##£§$$=«~, This Concept Immediately.) ,~«=$$§£##
##£§$$=«~, ,~«=$$§£##
##£§$$=«~, ,~«=$$§£##
§$$$$$=«~, ,~«=$$$$$§
£§$$$$=«~, ,~«=$$$$§£
##£§$$=«~, ,~«=$$§£##