###£$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£###
#£$*.¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨.*$£#
#££$*«¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨«*$££#
#£$§**««.¨ ¨.««**§$£#
#£§*.¨¨¨¨¨ ««**«« ¨¨¨¨¨.*§£#
###£$§*«.¨ ¨¨¨ sleep ¨¨¨ ¨.«*§$£###
#$§«.¨¨¨¨¨ ..««.. ¨¨¨¨¨.«§$#
##$$§**«.¨ ¨.«**§$$##
###£$§*«.¨ sleep is the most important meal of the ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ day. sleep is saying goodbye for a ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ while. if you can dream, you also get ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ to visit friends and other animals. ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£###
#££§«.¨¨¨¨ ¨¨..¨¨ ¨¨¨¨.«§££#
##£§*.¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨.*§£##
###£$§*«.¨ deeper than death is to be alive and ¨.«*§$£###
#$$*.¨¨¨¨¨ asleep. it is death if it was temporary ¨¨¨¨¨.*$$#
###£$§*«.¨ and rejuvenating. ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ ¨¨..¨¨ ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£###
####£§*«.¨ sleep is a black marble outside of ¨.«*§£####
#£§*..¨¨¨¨ which there is nothing. inside is all ¨¨¨¨..*§£#
####£$§*«¨ the stars and in the middle a ¨«*§$£####
###£$§*«.¨ black lake. at the foot of this lake ¨.«*§$£###
####£$§*«. stands an old friend. .«*§$£####
###£$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£###
£$$*..¨¨¨¨ ¨¨..¨¨ ¨¨¨¨..*$$£
####£$§«.¨ ¨.«§$£####
#£££$§*«.¨ when you sleep all sound is internal. ¨.«*§$£££#
###£$§*«.¨ when you sleep your brain shrinks. ¨.«*§$£###
££££$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$££££
#£§«««««.¨ ¨¨..¨¨ ¨.«««««§£#
£§««¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨««§£
£§§*...¨¨¨ if you wish to measure sleep, use these ¨¨¨...*§§£
£££$§§*«.¨ four quantifiers:: grip, deepness, ¨.«*§§$£££
££££$§*«.¨ otherworldiness and revitalization. ¨.«*§$££££
###£$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£###
#$*..¨¨¨¨¨ grip goes from not being able to let go ¨¨¨¨¨..*$#
£§**«¨¨¨¨¨ all day (left) to not caring to ¨¨¨¨¨«**§£
£§§*.¨¨¨¨¨ remember (right). ¨¨¨¨¨.*§§£
###£$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£###
£$§**«...¨ deepness goes from being several ¨...«**§$£
###£$§*«.¨ hundred meters down (left) to barely ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ touching the surface (right). ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£###
####£$*«.¨ otherworldliness goes from a single ¨.«*$£####
£$*«¨¨¨¨¨¨ coherent dreamscape (left), via normal ¨¨¨¨¨¨«*$£
###£$§*«.¨ dream amounts (middle) to no dreams ¨.«*§$£###
£$§*..¨¨¨¨ (right). ¨¨¨¨..*§$£
#££$$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$$££#
#$$**«¨¨¨¨ revitalization goes from a feeling of ¨¨¨¨«**$$#
###£$§*«.¨ not having slept at all (left) to being ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ full of energy and maybe optimism ¨.«*§$£###
####£$*«.¨ (right). ¨.«*$£####
£$§§«..¨¨¨ ¨¨¨..«§§$£
###£$§*«.¨ .. ¨.«*§$£###
#£££$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£££#
£§§§*««¨¨¨ high otherworldliness and high grip is ¨¨¨««*§§§£
##$***.¨¨¨ a particularly effective combo. ¨¨¨.***$##
#$$$§«.¨¨¨ ¨¨¨.«§$$$#
##$$§««¨¨¨ ««**«« ¨¨¨««§$$##
£§«.¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨ see also ¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨.«§£
£§§*««¨¨¨¨ ..««.. ¨¨¨¨««*§§£
#£$$$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$$$£#
###£$§*«.¨ sleep deities ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ the blackbird ¨.«*§$£###
##£§§§*«.¨ solipsism ¨.«*§§§£##
£§§««....¨ ¨....««§§£
####£$*«.¨ ««**«« ¨.«*$£####
#$§§§**«.¨ ¨¨¨ furthermore ¨¨¨ ¨.«**§§§$#
###£$§*«.¨ ..««.. ¨.«*§$£###
#£§**«.¨¨¨ ¨¨¨.«**§£#
££££$§*«.¨ this is still a place: here, in the ¨.«*§$££££
###£$§*«.¨ silence, darkness and night - and ¨.«*§$£###
#$§*««.¨¨¨ loneliness, holding a kind of dilution ¨¨¨.««*§$#
###£$§*«.¨ of reality, and suddenly it's not ¨.«*§$£###
##$*«....¨ important that i lie in my bed, the ¨....«*$##
###£$§*«.¨ lack of presence brings the notion ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ that, if i do not choose sleep, i ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ choose past, future, something with ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ more substance than the objects i ¨.«*§$£###
####£$*«.¨ surround myself with. ¨.«*$£####
###£$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£###
###£$§*«.¨ ¨.«*§$£###
#££$§**«.¨ ¨.«**§$££#
£££§***«.¨ ¨.«***§£££