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@.££&£¨,,# ¤#&&¤@¨.¤¨
§#£¨,¨£..& As We Cross The Mountain, We Can Walk @¨..¨.¤.¤¤
.,¨#¨¨#£¨@ Only At Night. Long Ago, Someone Here ¨#..¨¨§§¤¨
¨¨.#@¨@.£& Must'Ve Angered The Sun, And Today It .#£¨,,£,,¤
£¨,&¨¤&@§¨ Still Burns Us Strangely. But With The ¨&.¤..@£,§
,@,£@@,¨,# Sunset The Air Comes Raining Back Down @#§@&,£¨£#
@§§£¨,§..§ And Gets Thick Enough To Breathe. It &¨,¨.§&£§,
¤,¨¨@,¤&,¤ Carries With It Smells From Far Away, .&,,.#¨,.&
.§,,£@&.£& Colourful Sparks For The Imagination, A ¨¤§¨¨@&..&
#£¤,&..&£¨ Sharp Contrast For The Stale Black Of ,@¨#¨&¨£,£
...@&§,¤¨¤ The Night. &@@###££§&
@.¨¤,,¤§#¤ §¨¨..¨¨..,
¤#¨@#¨£... The Others Think I'M Young, They Don'T ¤@,..,..,¨
@,¤@.£@@¨, Take Me Seriously And I Fear They ¤¨¤.¨..¨¨.
@¤#¨¤§¨¨#. Snicker A Bit. You Usually Get Old ,§#@,,¨¨.,
§.,§§¨£.#& Before You Learn The Trade Enough To &¤.¨#..¨¨.
§§¨#,¤&§@. Take Other People. But I Do Lead Them .,&,§£¨,.,
¤¨#&,¨¨£ Safely Forward, Every Night. ..@#&.¤¨¨¨
¤@£,.,¤.,§ ¨,#,¨§#&.¨
§¨,§¨.#&¨¤ However, Currently There Seems To Be @.@&,¤.¨@.
§§¨,&¨§@ Something Going On Ahead. Those Around ¨&@.&@#.§£
¨.§&¨&£, The Corner Have Stopped, Shouting, ££.@&,¨#¤,
¨.£¨§§¨..& Pointing. ..##,¤.&¨¤
£,@§#,§,.@ ¨,§,#¤#¤¤@
¨@&¨,££#.§ ..¨ .¨ ,~*~, ¨, ¨.¨ ..££#,,.¨,
¨#¨¤.£,.#£ ¨¨, ., ¨»*-. ,¨ .,, ,¨#.¨@.,,¨
.£&£@&£.&. .,¨ ,. .»^~¨ .. ,., ..#£.#£¨,.
¨@,....§¤@ .., ,, .~\«. ¨. ... &¨¤¨¤¤.@¨,
.§#,¨,¨¤.¨ ,,, ¨, ,«=-. ., .¨. £§@@¤.¤@&¨
.¤,§,.¨¤#¨ ,., ¨, .«:~. ,, ... ¨¨¨¨¨¨.#
¤&@#¤,¨@¨£ .,. ,. ,»:». ,. .,¨ ,.¨.¨§,§¨¤
,.,¨.&.&§§ ¨¨, ¨. .-;»¨ ,, ,,. @.¨.,§££@@
£¨¨.,#£#,. £§,.¨¤.¨.¨
§@.,.§,,£. My Greatest Treasure, The ¤,#..&£,¨,
§,#.,§#.¤& Book of stars, Is A Combined Map, @£@@,§,@,,
§£¤@.#,£#. Calendar And Timepiece As Long As You #.,.§#&&¤.
¤¨.¨¤§£#¨§ Know What Year It Is. Every Page Is A §£¨¨@¨,¨.§
¨§,¨#¨¨.¤§ Grid Of Nine Starfields, Hand Drawn, ¨¨§,§§.¨,#
#@#.&@¨,£, Below Which Are Written Coordinates In ¨.§£#.&,¨£
¨¨,£#.#.¤& Both Space And Time. A Lot Of It Is ..§,,£§£.&
#.,@.&&§@¨ Applicable On Earth, But Not All. It ,¨£#.¤..&@
,§,£§@¨,.@ Hints Of Other Places - Some Stars ,.&¨&@#,¤¨
,&§¤¨,&.,¤ Reordered, Some Names I Have Never ¤,£¤§¨¨@
£§¨,§.@§,@ Heard. Sometimes The Dates Are ¨#@.,§¨@¨,
&¨@¨¤#§¨§§ Impossible. .£,&.¤#¤#.
£&@§&.¨§&¨ ,#§§§§¨¨.§
,¨¨,.&.¤¨& Those Pages Are Exactly What I Scramble ,#¨..,&,,@
#,¨.,§¤#¤& For Right Now. I'Ve Stopped Breathing. .#£,,,&@.@
¨§¨¨.@.¨,. I Sling Open The Book Of Stars A Bit @§¨§¨¨£.&¤
@£@,.@&¨., Too Quick, Spilling All My Notes On The ,.@§¤,§.
@.¨¤¨&¨§.¨ Ground. One Lands On My Foot, It Is A ¤¨#,.&§,¨#
¨£,§§#&&@. Drawing Of A Muscle cow, But I Could ¤@§¤¨@.¤,§
£§¤§,.¨..& Care Less Right Now. #,,,§£&§#@
,¨,,&¨..¨§ §£,,£.,,¨¨
.,.,&§¨¨,§ For It Seems Like There'S A New Moon In §¨¤,@¤¨¨¨,
,..,@¨@,.§ The Sky. §£#¤#,@.,.
.,,.#¤&@,§ §¨.,¨&¤§¨,
..,¨#.,¨@@ §£¨.¨@.¨&.
¨..,&&¨¨&. #.£,¨££¨¤&
§,,¨#.@.££ .¤##¨£,@@,
&£.,££§@£, ##¨.&§@#¨£
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