 the city in the  middle of kirugu vargir 
 a   girl   dreaming  the   whole   thing 
              about that              
 the veszelle (city) slash kirugu vargir  
 origin   story   goes  a  little   like: 
 girl falls asleep  and dreams  up  city. 
 city   witches   know   whats   up   and 
 planeswalk over to earth and kidnap her. 
 now the  dreamer is inside her own dream 
        which is cool because it's        
           self-contaned (hehe)           
 also she doesn't  wake for  some  reason 
 and  this  works  for  several  thousand 
 years,  while  from the  city  slowly  a 
 whole  world  evolves  -  that's  ya boy