@@@£**=~,, ,,~=**£@@@
###@£*=~,, ,,~=*£@###
#@#@£*=~,, ,,~=*£@#@#
#@#@£*=~,, ,,~=*£@#@#
##@#@*=~,, ,,~=*@#@##
@@*~~~,,,, They Built The Final Nightclub On Top ,,,,~~~*@@
#@#@£*=~,, Of An Undocumented Research Site. Each ,,~=*£@#@#
#@#@£*=~,, Floor Closer To The Collapsed Warp ,,~=*£@#@#
#££==,,,,, Prototype. Did They Know At The Start? ,,,,,==££#
##@#£*=~,, Classified Maps Had Gone Missing Some ,,~=*£#@##
#@#@£*=~,, Years Before. ,,~=*£@#@#
@@#@£*=~,, ,,~=*£@#@@
#££=,,,,,, The Deeper You Descend, The Stranger ,,,,,,=££#
#@#@£*=~,, The Environment - First More ,,~=*£@#@#
@@*~,,,,,, Enthralling And Intrusive, Then Seedy ,,,,,,~*@@
#£££*=,,,, And Predatory, But Pierce Deeper And ,,,,=*£££#
@@#@£*=~,, There Will Be More Peculiar Effects. ,,~=*£@#@@
@##@£*=~,, Your Sense Of Space Will Seem To ,,~=*£@##@
#@#@£*=~,, Distort (It'S Actually The Spacetime ,,~=*£@#@#
###@£*=~,, Itself That Is Becoming Fluid), Then ,,~=*£@###
@£*~,,,,,, Your Body, And Finally Your Sense Of ,,,,,,~*£@
@#£=~,,,,, Self. ,,,,,~=£#@
#££*~,,,,, ,,,,,~*££#
@@#@£*=~,, # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### ### ,,~=*£@#@@
#£*~~,,,,, ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##### ### ,,,,,~~*£#
@#@@£*=~,, ### ### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ,,~=*£@@#@
@##@£*=~,, #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ,,~=*£@##@
##@#@*=~,, ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ,,~=*@#@##
@@*~,,,,,, ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ,,,,,,~*@@
@@#@£*=~,, ###### ###### ######## ######## ,,~=*£@#@@
#@#@£*=~,, ######## ######## ######## ######## ,,~=*£@#@#
@@@***=~,, ######## ######## ######## ######## ,,~=***@@@
#@#@£*=~,, ######## ######## ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,~=*£@#@#
###@£*=~,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,~=*£@###
##££=,,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,=££##
@*~,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,~*@
#@#@£*=~,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,~=*£@#@#
@@**==,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,==**@@
##£**~,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,~**£##
@*~,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,,~*@
#@#@£*=~,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,~=*£@#@#
##@**=~~,, ,, ,, ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,= ,= ,= ,,~~=**@##
@**=~,,,,, ,= ,* ,* ,£ ,@ ,# ,@ ,# ~, ~, ~~ ~= ~* ,,,,,~=**@
@££==~,,,, ~£ ~@ ~# ~@ ~# =, =, =~ == =* =£ =@ =# ,,,,~==££@
#@#@£*=~,, =@ =# *, *, *~ *= ** *£ *@ *# *@ *# £, ,,~=*£@#@#
@#@££*=~,, £, £~ £= £* ££ £@ £# £@ £# @, @, @~ @= ,,~=*££@#@
@**===,,,, @* @£ @@ @# @@ @# #, #, #~ #= #* #£ #@ ,,,,===**@
@@#@£*=~,, ## #@ ## @, @, @~ @= @* @£ @@ @# @@ @# ,,~=*£@#@@
###@£*=~,, #, #, #~ #= #* #£ #@ ## ,,~=*£@###
#@#@£*=~,, The Ceiling Is Covered In Actual Stars. ,,~=*£@#@#
@@#@£*=~,, Eyes Above ,,~=*£@#@@
##@£=,,,,, Fading Into Silver Flakes As They Fall ,,,,,=£@##
@@@@£*=~,, Bubbles In Drinks ,,~=*£@@@@
#@#@£*=~,, ,,~=*£@#@#
@@£*=~,,,, Drinks With A Secret Ingredient, That ,,,,~=*£@@
@##@£*=~,, Makes You See The Stars Even When You ,,~=*£@##@
#@#@£*=~,, Close Your Eyes. ,,~=*£@#@#
##@@£*=~,, ,,~=*£@@##
@@*~,,,,,, At These Deeper Levels It Can Be Hard ,,,,,,~*@@
###@£*=~,, To Remember Who And Where You Are ,,~=*£@###
#@#@£*=~,, (Were). Normal Staff Is As Transformed ,,~=*£@#@#
##@***=~,, As Guests. Instead, Care And Protection ,,~=***@##
@@£*=,,,,, Are Offered By (Overly Flirty) ,,,,,=*£@@
@*~~,,,,,, Pool toys And Other Such Automatons. ,,,,,,~~*@
###@£*=~,, ,,~=*£@###
#@#@£*=~,, If You Stay Above Absolute Madness, ,,~=*£@#@#
#£*~~~~,,, There Is Some Sort Of Control To Be ,,,~~~~*£#
@#@£=~,,,, Had. You Could Slip Into Your Ideal Dog ,,,,~=£@#@
@£££*=~,,, Body There, Explore That. You Could ,,,~=*£££@
###@£*=~,, Drink Poisonous Ambrosia And Not Be ,,~=*£@###
@**~~,,,,, Burned Away. You Could Explore ,,,,,~~**@
@*~,,,,,,, Territories Just As Mapless As Those ,,,,,,,~*@
###@£*=~,, Closer To The Core, But With A Chance ,,~=*£@###
#@#@£*=~,, Of Finding Your Way Back. ,,~=*£@#@#
#@#@£*=~,, ,,~=*£@#@#
###@£*=~,, ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,,~=*£@###
@#£**~,,,, ,, The Honey Is A Trap And There'S A ,, ,,,,~**£#@
#@#@£*=~,, ~~ Sting, A Sting, A Sting. ~~ ,,~=*£@#@#
#@#@£*=~,, =, It'S In Your Eyes And It'S In Your ,= ,,~=*£@#@#
###@£*=~,, *, Mouth And Your Hands, Their Hands ,* ,,~=*£@###
@##@£*=~,, £~ It'S In Your Heart And In Your ~£ ,,~=*£@##@
#@#@£*=~,, @= Mind And The Minds Of Those Around =@ ,,~=*£@#@#
#@#@£*=~,, #* You, Their Hearts, Their Bodies. *# ,,~=*£@#@#
@@@@£*=~,, @£ @£ @£ @£ @£ @£ @£ @£ @£ @£ @£ ,,~=*£@@@@
#@#@£*=~,, And If You'Re Lucky, You'Ll Never Get ,,~=*£@#@#
#@#@£*=~,, Out. Don'T Bite The Other Guests. ,,~=*£@#@#
###@£*=~,, (Or Do) ,,~=*£@###
##@#@£=~,, ,,~=£@#@##
##@#@*=~,, The Deeper The Floor Goes, The More ,,~=*@#@##
@@#@£*=~,, Expensive The Drinks. This Is Not ,,~=*£@#@@
@@*===~~,, Coincidental. The More Expensive The ,,~~===*@@
@@**~~,,,, Drinks, The More Likely It Is That ,,,,~~**@@
#@#@£*=~,, Someone Will Buy Them For You. ,,~=*£@#@#
@@*~~~~,,, This Is Also Not Coincidental. If ,,,~~~~*@@
##£*~,,,,, Someone Buys You A Drink, They Are Very ,,,,,~*£##
#@*~,,,,,, Likely To Take Care Of Your Needs In ,,,,,,~*@#
###@£*=~,, Other Ways As Well. ,,~=*£@###
#@@££*=~,, ,,~=*££@@#
#@#@£*=~,, ,,~=*£@#@#
@£**~,,,,, ,,,,,~**£@
#@#@£*=~,, ,,~=*£@#@#
#@#@£*=~,, ,,~=*£@#@#