,,...¨.,,, , , , ¨ ¨ ¨ . , , , . ¨ , ¨ . , ¨ ¨ , ¨ ¨,¨,¨..¨#¨
£&§§@@§@§& , . , , . , , . . , , ¨ . ¨ . , , ¨ . ¨ &@@£@¨.,
,¤£¤§@@§¤, , , ¨ , , . . . . ¨ , , ¨ . . . , ¨ ¨ . .§#@#&.,@,
¨,£#££&§,. , ¨ . , , , . , ¨ , . , . . , . ¨¨£¤&.¨.,,
&¨.@§.,, . ¨ . . . . ¨ . ¨ ¨ ¨ , ¨ ¨ , ¨ #,¨#¨¨#£@#
..¨,¤¤¨¨&@ dark . night,.bright light. ,little ,.,.,,,¤£@
¨&@¨,.,.., soot-cat .hiding from the , ion plume. ¨§@§#@,¨¤,
,,,,&@#¤£# , . , ¨ . ¨ , , . , ¨ . . , , ¨ ,¨@@#.,,,.
#§£¨,#@&@£ a grungy.teenager,,with soot smeared #¨,§,.@@§#
§&¨¨,,£##@ across.her ¨eyes, ¨ under the shadow , ¨,¨¨¨¨¨¤##
&,¨£¤,.&£. of what . they . call . the.spaceship. ,£¤#.¨&¤
,.,.¨.¨¨,¨ , . , . . . , , , .,£¤@¨,¨¨#
,&&@##£@£¤ a secret ordinance aimed at the sky, #..@..@§.,
,.@££§@&¤¤ fuel still being synthesized offsite. ,¨,.,,,,¨§
.,.@§&&@£. she's¨ , a . sentinel.¨ , , . @¤£&§§¨¨
¤@,.@@§§¨¨ she thinks: ¨ soon we will create ¤§§#££@.¨&
#..¨¨¤&¨,§ cavities ¨ . within . the . ¨ satellite. §§#&@§¨¨¨,
¨¨¤@.,¨..¨ , ¨ . . , , §&§££¨.##¨
&.,.¨¤¤£ the spaceship morphs ever so slowly, #¤£#.,,,..
¨.@#,.@&@¤ casting and recasting shadows as big as &&§¨.&&§£.
¤,¨,.,,£&¤ entire districts. but currently, she ¤£,..,@@,¨
.¨§¤£@.,£¤ would be in the open, if not for hiding &,¨@#,.¨,,
¤..§@.¨..¤ in a . hollowed . out delivery truck. ¨.,.,¨¤§##
.,,.,.¤@¨¨ £#§£#,¨&&@
.§&££¨¨..& spaceship ¨ hovering, . ion exhaust, ¨ ,£§¤¨.,,#,
,,@@,¨#§¨. spore ¨ exhaust, an otherworldly ¨,#..£¤,¨¨
§¨.,,,..,. snowstorm of alien dandruff (and the §..,.¨¨¨§@
¨¨££#@@#§§ air perpetually compromised, making ,.£¤£¤#¨¨&
.,,@§#@¤¤§ them breathe in all sorts of nice ,..§##,,,,
##,,&££§§. things leading to all sorts of ¤£¨.£,.§£#
@.¨,.¤#&,, reasonable states) ¨¨.¨¨.¨,¤#
.¨¤#,.&¨,@ §#&&¤§&,¨#
,,...¨.,¨. §@££..,¨
§#@@@@§¤ §£§#£,,§@#
@£&&§¤£§§& &&§&¨,..#£
@£#£¤& £&@¨,@£.,@