nick wilde  is  a red  fox and a conman. 
    he's not above petty crime, but he    
  knows that if he puts in a bit of work, 
     he will find much more lucrative     
      and thus he's currently working     
   alongside hatsune miku for a company   
 that makes synthetic meal replacements.  
  he's got a vague outline of a plan, to  
    scatter with some product, or even    
  better, some formula? these things are  
       worth a lot to a competitor.       
      he's been lucky; the place is       
   surprisingly unguarded. once he's got  
  his paws on something worthwhile, it'll 
  be easy to just waltz out. until then,  
          keep doing the work...          
    come to think of it, the place is     
    almost eerily empty. there are few    
    coworkers. (in fact the company is    
   ai-run and only a few key roles are    
         filled by actual people.         
    none of the employees know this.)     
   nick and miku are both stationed in    
  early processing, housed in a state of  
   the art factory close to the docks.    
  they create the early building blocks   
  that are later combined into the meals  
         that's sold to customers.        
       the bases are mostly sludges       
            or pastes, such as:           
   plant matter                         
   blood colony                         
        (made with a type of bacteria)    
   wild flesh                           
        (free roaming animals)            
        (taken from a living human that   
        is willing to sell)               
   blood colony two                     
        (which are mainly used for their  
        brain, which is used to extract   
        receptors that detect pheromones) 
      miku is in charge of the blood      
    colonies. there's large vats of the   
    original culture which is fed blood   
  meal, bone meal, what doesn't qualify   
   to go in the "wild flesh" paste, and   
   some processing chemicals. all these   
 ingredients have an effect on the blood  
        which in turn affects miku.       
     there is a large tank behind the     
  factory that contains a vast number of  
  auxilliary blood colonies. miku watches 
   over these as well. their purpose is   
  the factory is surrounded by the blood  
      meal farms. there is a constant     
  exchange of blood and blood meal. this  
  provides two of the major materials for 
        both the colonies and miku.       
       nick is uncomfortable around       
          the "wild flesh" vats.