always tears  in my eyes when using  the 
 i don't think  it's  hormonal  overload. 
 there's no  grief  or  joy as  my  water 
 rolls  down  my face. i  notice  nothing 
 until my  chin is wet. wipe it off  with 
 the back  of my hand. but i usually keep 
            crying for a while.           
 i theorize some  kind  of  resonance  in 
   the neural interface; some saturation  
 signal being tripped? the connection  is 
        imperfect and often induces       
  single-sense hallucinations. acute but  
 hollow  hunger.  sand  grains  under  my 
  fingertips. strange tastes and scents.  
 and  i  mean,  maybe  it  isn't  to  far 
 fetched  that  something like  that  can 
  cause autonomous reactions? dry mouth.  
     finger spasms. opened tear ducts.