.~~\%$@¶@# #@¶@$%\~~.
.~~\%$@¶@@ @@¶@$%\~~.
......~%@@ @@%~......
.~~~~~%$$¶ ¶$$%~~~~~.
.....~~\$@ @$\~~.....
......~\$¶ As The Sun Sets Beneath The Horizon ¶$\~......
.~~\%$¶@## Beyond The Cliffs, The Remaining Heat ##@¶$%\~~.
.~~\%$@@## Is Pooled In The Fires Of The ##@@$%\~~.
.~~\$@¶@## Wanderers, And The Dark Gleams Of Their ##@¶@$\~~.
.~~\%$@¶@@ Knives, Wanting To Find You. @@¶@$%\~~.
.~~\%$@¶@# #@¶@$%\~~.
.....~\$@¶ Caught Agaist The Wall, Stopping Time, ¶@$\~.....
...~~~\%@@ But In The Next Moment Youre Thread @@%\~~~...
...~\%$$@¶ Around A Glass Edge ¶@$$%\~...
......~%@¶ ¶@%~......
.~~\%$@@¶¶ ..~#~.. ¶¶@@$%\~~.
.~~\%$@¶¶¶ ..~# Period Of #~.. ¶¶¶@$%\~~.
.~~\%$@¶@# ....~~# Transformation #~~.... #@¶@$%\~~.
......~\%@ ...~~# Oil And Fire #~~.... @%\~......
...~~~~%@@ ....~~##~~.... @@%~~~~...
.~~\%$@@## ##@@$%\~~.
.~~\%$@¶@# And We Grill You, The Most Precious #@¶@$%\~~.
.~~\%$@¶@# And Crisp Critter, #@¶@$%\~~.
.~~\%$@¶@# Pierce You On A Dagger #@¶@$%\~~.
.~~\%$¶@## And Put You Over Fire ##@¶$%\~~.
....~\\%$@ @$%\\~....
.~~\%$@¶@# A Taste #@¶@$%\~~.
.......~%@ @%~.......
.~~\%$@¶@@ @@¶@$%\~~.
....~~~%$@ @$%~~~....
....~%%@@@ @@@%%~....
.~~~\\$@¶¶ ¶¶@$\\~~~.