¨£,.¤,¨.¤, ¨...¨¨¨¨#¨
,¨.,,,¤¨.¨ £§@§##£¨.,
£¤¤@§¨,¨&¨ #@£@&§.,&#
#§¤£.,¤¨,¨ &&£@@¨,¨.&
#@#.¨¨..#& &&&§.,§&¨,
.§..#@@.¨@ statuette @£@¨¨,.¨..
.¨¨..#¨¨.. @¤,,@¤¤¤&@
.&§#.¨,¤¤£ ¤£$*$*¤%£&&¤$$@&=~»»~~»«*%@£*%%*£££§¤££$ ¤.,,¨#¤#§¨
¨,#..@,,@¨ £@&%%£%@§ .¨#¤¨.&¤¨¨
#...¨¨..,. ¨.,¨¨¨¨,,§
.¨&#&¤#££, forests around my childhood home. thick #¤#&@&§@..
¤¨,¤§¤§¤.. pine arcades that were planted and #&&§£¤§,.£
.¨¨¨¤#¤.., forgotten. wild boars roaming §§£#&@,,¨.
¤£#,,¤¨¨@& underneath, sniffing at the ground. it &#&£&.¨§£¤
&#¨,¨,¨.,& is dark and moist, the canopy having ,&@&,¨.,¤#
¤,¨£&#&£.. already soaked up all the sun. ..@¨.£¤.¨£
¨.,,§£#¨.¨ ,...,¨,...
&£@,,£,.#¤ there's a river passing by, from east £§¤§@§§¤§£
&#,.¨.,,.. to west, getting broader and deeper and ##£##§£#£§
£,.@#¤&£## slower as it goes. equisetum grow just @#¤§¤&###¤
.,.¨£¤###& where the pine hands start to let ,§¤&#@££@§
,@£.¨#@§£§ through light, horsemint on the rocky ¨¨&#&@#¤£.
.,¨¨¨¨¤#@. river bed. &¨,@#¤@&..
£££#£.¨£,, ¨,.¨£@¤,.#
#&£@,,¨¨.§ * @#@¨.&¨,.¨
.£§¨,&§¤,¨ &&,...,§£,
.¨¨,,¨§¨¨. the riverbanks reek of magic. tonight ¨¨¨§¤@.¨¨¨
@#&#&.¨.#£ they had been a swampworld with sylvan §¤..§,¨§#£
¤#¤&,.£¨¨£ water, stone rings and floating moss. £.,,,,.,£@
##£,....,. you could've found me wallowing around .¨§§@&&,¨@
£&¨¨¤#¤&§# on the southern shores until i got ¨.,£#¤¨,¨.
¨.,¨¨£¤¤§# bitten. &£¨¨¤¨.£¤.
¤#£#..@&#¤ ¤,..,,¨,,,
¨¤£,¨,¨¤¤¤ but now i'm further back, on solid ¨.@¤¤&¤£@¨
¨¨,¨¤&,.§§ ground, in shoulder-high grass, with an §¨¨#&#§#..
@&#¨,.¨.¨@ orange tin radio and a translucent ,..¨£@&.,#
£#,,£¤@@.¨ umbrella which i'm sitting on. ¤§#.,§¨¨,¨
,¨¨,,@&¨,. &¤,...¨#¤.
££@@...,@# * ¨,,&@&¨..,
.#§¨.§#..# §#¨,#¨.@£.
¨¨,¨,,..¨¨ somethings moving in the grass. it's .,¨...,,.¨
#§#@£&§#&§ invisible to my eyes but i can feel @¤&#§&££§#
§¤£@¤@¤#§& through the ground just how large it is. #&£@&@#&¤£
¤#@&&¤&&£§ ¤@£¤£££@§§
¤§&¤¤£@£¤@ the soil is muddy. i slip when trying #£¤§£§&£§@
¤##§@§¤@££ to get up, still looking at the £&£§&£####
##¤#£#§£¤& direction of sound rather than at my £££@£@#£@@
#£@¤#¤¤§§@ hands, who are busy putting things in @##§¤#¤@¤¤
&&#&¤¤££¤§ my pockets. &¤&@&££@#£
##£££#&#£§ #£#£@@££¤#
#¤#¤¤§¤@¤£ then i run east toward my home. ¤§§££¤¤¤§§
#¤@£§§&#¤# @£§#§¤@#£§
£¤££#@&§¤@ / @&#@§£@£@§
§£¤@##&¤&£ ££¤£#§@##§
#&£#§#&£§# i am not followed, and slow down in the ¤¤§§¤¤&@&§
&@£#&&#£&@ clearing where you at first can spot #&£¤£&§@#§
£#££@£#£¤¤ the house, not yet really in the @&@§&¤@§££
#@&£&&£&¤§ backyard. from my pockets i retrieve my ¤@¤§#£#&£@
&#@£@&##§& radio (now dented) but also a small #¤#¤§#&#§§
§§&###&¤#¤ clay figure i've never seen before. it £#&@&§¤¤@#
§@@¤&#£#¤¤ must have been laying in the wet dirt, ##£§#¤&£#§
£##@##@### and i must've picked it up with my #£@¤¤¤§§@#
#&#§&¤§&&£ other belongings. @#£@&##£#¤
@@£¤£#&&£# &¤£§§¤£#&&
§&§#§#¤&£§ it's a statuette of a girl laying naked &¤#¤@#&&@§
£§@##§#§£& on her stomach, feet in the air, ¤#£&@§£§§¤
§¤¤§@@#@£# roughly seven centimeters long. it's ££&£@&§§£§
¤&@@££&£&¤ freshly made, not yet completely dried. #££@&£¤#@§
&§§@¤§@#¤£ @@¤#§&¤§£§
¤¤@@§¤££&@ my mom is here now. i ask her for some £§@#¤&@#£@
@&&¤@#@§#§ particle board for it to dry on, but ¤#§@£§@£§¤
&@¤#§#£§¤£ she is worried and wants me to £§££&¤&¤££
§§¤#&§&@£@ throw it away. ¤¤§§&¤@££¤
&@¤¤§£§@&# #£&###¤¤@&
&@&&&£££#¤ #@#£@&&§£&
&@&&£@§££@ £##¤&£@§§@
#&#¤£¤¤¤¤¤ &#§&§&§&&£
@#£&&£#£§£ #§§¤§£&#&§
&#&#§¤&@§£ &#£¤§£&@¤§