,,,,:«**§# #§**«:,,,,
,,,,,:«**§ §**«:,,,,,
,,,,,,:«** **«:,,,,,,
,,,,,,,:«* *«:,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,:« «:,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,: :,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, Speed Hole ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, *****,**** ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, Turn Your Walkman Like A Turtle. There ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, Might Be Something There That Looks ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, Like A Screw Hole But It Could Be A ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, Speed hole. ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,: The Rule Is If You Can'T Get A :,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,:« Reasonably Small Screwdriver In There, «:,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,:«* It'S Not A Screw Hole. *«:,,,,,,,
,,,,,,:«** **«:,,,,,,
,,,,,:«**§ # Usage # §**«:,,,,,
,,,,:«**§# #§**«:,,,,
,,,:«**§#@ Use The Speed Hole Like A Screw Hole @#§**«:,,,
,,:«**§#@# But With A Tinier Screwdriver #@#§**«:,,
,:«**§#@## ##@#§**«:,
,,:«**§#@# @ This @ #@#§**«:,,
,,,:«**§#@ # Adjusts # @#§**«:,,,
,,,,:«**§# # The # #§**«:,,,,
,,,,,:«**§ ,# Pitch #, §**«:,,,,,
,,,,,,:«** **«:,,,,,,
,,,,,,,:«* Some Cassette Players Have Speed Screws *«:,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,:« But No Holes For Them. To Get To Those «:,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,: Screws You Need To Dissasemble The :,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, Whole Thing. Could Be Worth It ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,