§§§§§§^«:. .:«^§§§§§§
#%§^«..... .....«^§%#
###§%§^«:. .:«^§%§###
##%^:..... .....:^%##
§%^«::.... ....::«^%§
#%^^^^:... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ...:^^^^%#
###§%§^«:. ^ ######### ^ .:«^§%§###
#§§%^^:... ^ # roads # ^ ...:^^%§§#
###§%§^«:. ^ ######### ^ .:«^§%§###
###§%§^«:. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .:«^§%§###
#§§^«:.... ....:«^§§#
§§%^««.... roads are physical representations of ....««^%§§
##§§§§^«:. the lines on maps that tell you where .:«^§§§§##
#§§§§§^«:. you can travel. .:«^§§§§§#
####§%§^:. .:^§%§####
###§%§^«:. those called roads are for cars. for .:«^§%§###
##%§«::... bikes they are called paths, for trains ...::«§%##
#§%%§«::.. they are called rails. ..::«§%%§#
####%§^«:. .:«^§%####
##§§«..... when traveling by foot, you can follow .....«§§##
###§%§^«:. all of these, or none. .:«^§%§###
#§§§%§^«:. .:«^§%§§§#
###§%§^«:. .:«#«:. .:«^§%§###
####§%§^:. .:^§%§####
###§%§^«:. most roads are elevated, suspended .:«^§%§###
§§^:...... between three to a hundred (rare) ......:^§§
####§§^«:. meters above ground. the closer you get .:«^§§####
#§§§%§^«:. to a city, the more intertwined they .:«^§%§§§#
§§^::..... get. .....::^§§
##%%^«::.. ..::«^%%##
###§%§^«:. in such areas, all crossings and .:«^§%§###
§§^«:..... intersections are placed in tunnels, or .....:«^§§
##§§%§^«:. special tower-like structures called .:«^§%§§##
###§%§^«:. outposts, which enfold the roads where .:«^§%§###
###§%§^«:. they interact. .:«^§%§###
###§%§^«:. .:«^§%§###
###§%§^«:. .:«#«:. .:«^§%§###
###§%§^«:. .:«^§%§###
#§%^««.... here and there you will find symbols in ....««^%§#
###§%§^«:. white, on the asphalt. these are meant .:«^§%§###
###§%§^«:. to tell the drivers about what .:«^§%§###
###§%§^«:. manouvers they allowed to perform on .:«^§%§###
§§§«:..... that particular stretch of road. .....:«§§§
##§§%§^«:. .:«^§%§§##
#%^:...... however, some creatures paint their own ......:^%#
##%%^««:.. illicit symbols encoding territorial ..:««^%%##
§§§^«:.... claims, nearby resources, or other ....:«^§§§
§§§«...... unknown and mysterious things. ......«§§§
##§§%§^«:. .:«^§%§§##
#%%%^^:... ...:^^%%%#
##%%%§^«:. .:«^§%%%##
§%%^««.... ....««^%%§
#%%§^:.... ....:^§%%#