¨^»=%§£@## ##@£§%=»^¨
¨^»=%§#£££ £££#§%=»^¨
¨^»%§#£@## ##@£#§%»^¨
¨¨¨»»»==§£ £§==»»»¨¨¨
¨^»=%§#@## ##@#§%=»^¨
¨^»=%§#£@# #@£#§%=»^¨
¨^»=%§#@## This Space That You Get Put In ##@#§%=»^¨
¨¨¨^»%§### Sometimes. ###§%»^¨¨¨
¨^»=%§#£@# #@£#§%=»^¨
¨¨^»»%%%#£ The Air Is Thick, Everything Happens £#%%%»»^¨¨
¨^»=%§#£@@ During A Looong Period Of Time, Things @@£#§%=»^¨
¨^»»»»%##£ Are Rubbery Like Suryp But In Some Way £##%»»»»^¨
¨¨¨¨^^=§£@ Incredibly Acute, Both Impressions And @£§=^^¨¨¨¨
¨^»=%§#£@# Thoughts Are Pushed Mercilessly Into #@£#§%=»^¨
¨^»=%%%§££ The Brain, SoundS Of Eucalyptus Echo ££§%%%=»^¨
¨^»=%§#£@# Far Away, And Everything Physical Is #@£#§%=»^¨
¨^»=%§#£@# Bigger And Closer And Not Real. #@£#§%=»^¨
¨^»=%§#£@@ @@£#§%=»^¨
¨^»=%§#£££ £££#§%=»^¨
¨¨¨»=%%#£@ @£#%%=»¨¨¨
¨^»=%§#£## ##£#§%=»^¨
¨^»=%§#£@# #@£#§%=»^¨