¨,-:*£@# #@£#&*:-,¨
¨,-:*£@# #@£#&*:-,¨
¨,-:*@## ##@#&*:-,¨
¨,-:*££@ @££#&*:-,¨
¨¨¨,-:*#£@ @£#*:-,¨¨¨
,~~**¤&@## , , ##@&¤**~~,
,~~**¤&@## ~ ~ ##@&¤**~~,
,,,~~*** ** ** #&***~~,,,
,,,,~**¤@# *~~ Two Ways Of Being Lost. ~~* #@¤**~,,,,
,~~**¤&@@# ***~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*** #@@&¤**~~,
,~~**¤## ~~~~ Lost: ,~~~*~~~, Lost:~~~~~ ###&¤**~~,
,~~**¤&@## ~Not Knowing Where ~ Forlorn, Unfit ~ ##@&¤**~~,
,~~**¤&@@@ ~ You Are, Unable ~ For Some Purpose,~ @@@&¤**~~,
,,~~~**&@@ ~~ To Backtrack, ~ Unredeemable, ~~ @@&**~~~,,
,,,~~***¤& ~ On Willowed Ways ~*~ And Strange. ~ &¤***~~,,,
,~~**¤&@## ***~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~***** ~ ##@&¤**~~,
,,,,,~** ~ We'Re Coming Up On The Last Night ~~ #&**~,,,,,
,,,,~~*¤¤@ ~In Teh Forest dome... I Am Relocating ~ @¤¤*~~,,,,
,~~**¤@### ~ Closer To The Work mill... , ###@¤**~~,
,~~**¤&@## , , ##@&¤**~~,
,,,~~~~*&@ I Don'T Trust The Shamans Operating , @&*~~~~,,,
,,,~***¤@@ The Digiflesh Tranference Network... My @@¤***~,,,
,~~~***¤@# Bike Is Not Allowed In The Tunnels In #@¤***~~~,
,~~***¤¤&& From The Forest dome (Smuggling &&¤¤***~~,
,,,~~~**¤@ Charges)... It'S Too Far To Go By @¤**~~~,,,
,~~**¤&@## Foot... ##@&¤**~~,
,,,,,~**&& &&**~,,,,,
,~~**¤&&@# So An Urban Dome It Is... For Me... #@&&¤**~~,
,,,,,~*¤¤& Not A Prosperous One, Not An Important &¤¤*~,,,,,
,~~**¤&@## One (For Several Decades At Least), But ##@&¤**~~,
,~~**¤&@@# A Rough And Somewhat Peculiar #@@&¤**~~,
,~~**¤&@## Collection Of Abandoned Housing ##@&¤**~~,
,~~**¤&@## Projects. And The Likewise Abandoned , ##@&¤**~~,
,~~**¤¤¤ Attempts To Unify It With #&¤¤¤**~~,
,,«\^*£§## . The Rest Of The Domes. ¨. ##§£*^\«,,
.~~:†%£@## .¨¨ , ,^~¨¨ ##@£%†:~~.
,.,¨,,»=£# ,,« Yah... Last Night... ,~^ #£=»,,¨,.,
¨-~/%&§### ¨-~ Sleep Well, Forest Dome. ,^¨ ###§&%/~-¨
..¨,,*%#@£ ,.:-:~~~~~-»=«~»~-~-~^-:~.,, £@#%*,,¨..
¨,..~/$*@§ §@*$/~..,¨
,^~:*§£@## ##@£§*:~^,
,.~^%$%$@£ ¨.¨,¨.,¨,.¨¨¨¨, £@$%$%^~.,
¨¨.---^%@@ , Inarizushi... ¨¨...¨.,, @@%^---.¨¨
,¨¨^.-=@@£ ¨.¨,,¨ Fox Ear Sushi... ¨ £@@=-.^¨¨,
.~=^*@$§@# ,,.¨.,¨,,,..¨¨¨.,¨ #@§$@*^=~.
,¨,,~\%%%¤ ¤%%%\~,,¨,
.,»:$$## ###&$$:»,.
..,,=»-*## ¨,.,.,.¨,¨.,¨¨., ##*-»=,,..
.-«†§%¤@## , Whisker Job... . ##@¤%§†«-.
¨,~=§§£¶## ...,.,.¨,,¨,¨,.. ##¶£§§=~,¨
,~~;*%£### ###£%*;~~,
,-«=%@@### ###@@%=«-,
,~~*^§§@## ##@§§^*~~,
,,-*†£§### ###§£†*-,,
,,-=§§§#@# #@#§§§=-,,
¨,«;**§@## .,¨¨¨¨¨,,.¨,¨..¨.,.,¨¨ ##@§**;«,¨
,,,,^~*££# ¨ Eating Glowsticks... , #££*~^,,,,
¨.-^%§£¶## ,¨¨,,,,.,.,...,,,..,.¨ ##¶£§%^-.¨
..~†*$#@## ##@#$*†~..
..«:†%¤### ###¤%†:«..
,^»^%%@### ###@%%^»^,
.--†=@@# #@@#&=†--.
¨^»:=%#@ @##&%=:»^¨
¨.,~=:*=&@ @&=*:=~,.¨
,^-††;=£§§ §§£=;††-^,
¨,†^£@## ,¨¨.¨¨.,¨¨,¨,,,,,¨..¨,¨,.. ##@#&£^†,¨
,,¨¨.=%§£# ¨ Dissolving The Belly ... ¨ #£§%=.¨¨,,
,,~^^£&£@# .,¨, Dissolving The Skin ¨ #@£&£^^~,,
.,¨¨,-†*£# ¨,¨¨ .,¨.,¨ #£*†-,¨¨,.
¨~«»\:@££@ ¨. Phosphorous Entrails . @££@:\»«~¨
.¨.,,.«\$£ , Flowing Out Onto .¨..¨. £$\«.,,.¨.
¨.¨,,~*^$¶ ,. The Asphalt ,.¨ ¶$^*~,,¨.¨
.,¨,,-~=£@ ¨¨,.,,.,,..¨. @£=~-,,¨,.
.~~\$%#§ #&§#%$\~~.
¨^==^$§@## ##@§$^==^¨
¨¨¨,;:§&£# #£&§:;,¨¨¨
¨^~^§£@@@# #@@@£§^~^¨
¨.~/§*@¶## ##¶@*§/~.¨