,~=:%¤£@## ##@£¤%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# #@£¤@%:=~,
,,,,=:::@¤ ¤@:::=,,,,
,,,,,~::%¤ ¤%::~,,,,,
,~=:%@¤£@# #@£¤@%:=~,
,,,,,~==%¤ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ¤%==~,,,,,
,~=:%¤£@## ====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==== ##@£¤%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@@ @@@@@@@::::::::::::::::::::::::::@@@@@@@ @@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# ##@@££££££¤@%:=~, cave ,~=:%@¤££££££@@## #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@£@## #####@@£¤@%:=~, geometry ,~=:%@¤£@@##### ##@£@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£££ ##########@@ @@########## £££¤@%:=~,
,~=%@¤£@## #####@@ @@##### ##@£¤@%=~,
,~=:%@¤£@@ # the name is a little mis- # @@£¤@%:=~,
,,,,,~=:@¤ = giving, because of course there is = ¤@:=~,,,,,
,,,~~~:%¤£ no real geometry in the caves. you may £¤%:~~~,,,
,~=:%@¤¤£@ feel as if you are venturing into some @£¤¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# vast structure, but you are in fact #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# leaving any such thing at the entrance. #@£¤@%:=~,
,,,~~=::%¤ ¤%::=~~,,,
,~=:%@¤£@@ leaving physical tethers behind, @@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# submitting to an inescapable darkness, #@£¤@%:=~,
,,,=::%¤¤¤ the world around you becomes more of a ¤¤¤%::=,,,
,~=:%@¤£@@ manifestation of your mind, or a @@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# collective mind, with a shape and a #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# direction and a taste. #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@@ @@£¤@%:=~,
,,,~~~=%@£ inescapeable darkness, because if you £@%=~~~,,,
,~=::%@¤¤£ bring a candle or mount electrical £¤¤@%::=~,
,~=:%@¤£@@ lights, the walls only serves as @@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# markers to where the tiny spatial #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# existence ends and the darkness beneath #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# it begins. #@£¤@%:=~,
,,,,=%%%@¤ ¤@%%%=,,,,
,,,,,,~:@£ like an inverted mandelbrot, the real £@:~,,,,,,
,~=:%@¤£@# cave is actually not the pockets, but #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# the black around them. keep that in #@£¤@%:=~,
,,,~~:@¤¤@ mind. @¤¤@:~~,,,
,,,~==%@££ ££@%==~,,,
,,,~::@¤¤¤ ,,,,~~~==@#@==~~~,,, ¤¤¤@::~,,,
,,,,===%¤¤ ¤¤%===,,,,
,,,,,,,=%¤ the moisture that permeates any cave ¤%=,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,=%¤ worth it's name... it's the water the ¤%=,,,,,,,
,~=:%%@@¤@ world rose from. it's the water you @¤@@%%:=~,
,,,,~=%@£@ drown in, in your dreams. @£@%=~,,,,
,~=:%@¤£@# #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@@ the only sounds in the cave are those @@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# that you make yourselves. they may be #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# distorted by the stone structure, and #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%%%%@£ amplified by your mind. try not to be £@%%%%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# alarmed, try to remember the persons #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# and objects around you, and you can #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@@ discern a mirage from a friend. @@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# , , , #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=::%%@£@ @ ~ % % % ~ @~ @£@%%::=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# % #@£¤@%:=~,
,,,,,=:@¤@ # : @ = , £ @, £ = #£ # £ @¤@:=,,,,,
,~=:%@¤£@# £ :%£%%£% ==~ =:@£:%£%: ¤£:¤@£@ ££% =@£ #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£££ #@£¤£@##@£¤#@ @¤£#£@#@#@£###@£@ ##@£#@## £££¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# ###@##@#@##£#£#@##@#£#£@£#@£#@#£@#£@##£# #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤@## ####@@@@########@@@££ £££@@@########### ##@¤@%:=~,
,~~~::::%¤ ##@@ @@##@@££ % @ ~£@####@@@## ¤%::::~~~,
,~=:%@¤£@# #@ £@ @ , @@@£ £@# #@£¤@%:=~,
,~===:%@££ @£ @ @@ @@ ££@%:===~,
,~=:%@¤¤¤¤ @ @ @ @ ¤¤¤¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤@## £ £ @ @ ##@¤@%:=~,
,,,~~:@¤££ £ ~ £ @ ££¤@:~~,,,
,~=:%@¤£££ £ : £ £££¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# , £ #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# #@£¤@%:=~,
,,,,,=%%@£ = £@%%=,,,,,
,~=:%@¤£@# #@£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£## ##£¤@%:=~,
,~=:%@¤£@# #@£¤@%:=~,
,,,,,,~:@£ £@:~,,,,,,
,,,,,~::%¤ ¤%::~,,,,,
,~=:%@¤££@ @££¤@%:=~,