,,,,-^££¶¶ ¶¶££^-,,,,
,,,,««^£§§ §§£^««,,,,
,-«^§££§¶¶ ¶¶§££§^«-,
,-«^§§£££§ §£££§§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@# #@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@@ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, @@¶§£§^«-,
,,,,«^§§§§ ««««--------------------------------«««« §§§§^«,,,,
,,,,,-^§§¶ £££££££^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^£££££££ ¶§§^-,,,,,
,-«^§£§¶@# ##@@¶¶¶¶¶¶§£§^«-, cave ,-«^§£§¶¶¶¶¶¶@@## #@¶§£§^«-,
,,,,«§££§¶ #####@@¶§£§^«-, geometry ,-«^§£§¶@@##### ¶§££§«,,,,
,-«^§£§¶@# ##########@@ @@########## #@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§§£§¶@ #####@£ £@##### @¶§£§§^«-,
,-«^§§£££¶ # the name is a little mis- # ¶£££§§^«-,
,,,,«§§§§§ « giving, because of course there is « §§§§§«,,,,
,-«^§£§¶@# no real geometry in the caves. you may #@¶§£§^«-,
,,,,««^^£¶ feel as if you are venturing into some ¶£^^««,,,,
,,,,,-«^£¶ vast structure, but you are in fact ¶£^«-,,,,,
,-«^§£§¶## leaving any such thing at the entrance. ##¶§£§^«-,
,,,,-«^£¶¶ ¶¶£^«-,,,,
,,,,,«§£¶@ leaving physical tethers behind, @¶£§«,,,,,
,«^§£§¶@## submitting to an inescapable darkness, ##@¶§£§^«,
,-«^§£§@## the world around you becomes more of a ##@§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@@ manifestation of your mind, or a @@¶§£§^«-,
,,,---«§§§ collective mind, with a shape and a §§§«---,,,
,-«^§££§¶¶ direction and a taste. ¶¶§££§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶## ##¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶## inescapeable darkness, because if you ##¶§£§^«-,
,,,-^^^£¶¶ bring a candle or mount electrical ¶¶£^^^-,,,
,,,,,««§£§ lights, the walls only serves as §£§««,,,,,
,,,,,-^££§ markers to where the tiny spatial §££^-,,,,,
,,,---^^£¶ existence ends and the darkness beneath ¶£^^---,,,
,-«^§£§¶@# it begins. #@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§§£§§§ §§§£§§^«-,
,-«^^§§££§ like an inverted mandelbrot, the real §££§§^^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@# cave is actually not the pockets, but #@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§§¶¶ the black around them. keep that in ¶¶§§£§^«-,
,---«^^^£¶ mind. ¶£^^^«---,
,-«^§§§§£§ §£§§§§^«-,
,,,--«^§§§ ,,,,---««£#£««---,,, §§§^«--,,,
,-«^§£§¶@@ @@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@# the moisture that permeates any cave #@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@# worth it's name... it's the water the #@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@# world rose from. it's the water you #@¶§£§^«-,
,,,«««§§¶¶ drown in, in your dreams. ¶¶§§«««,,,
,-«^§£§¶¶@ @¶¶§£§^«-,
,-«^£§¶@## the only sounds in the cave are those ##@¶§£^«-,
,,,,,,-^£¶ that you make yourselves. they may be ¶£^-,,,,,,
,--«^^^§§§ distorted by the stone structure, and §§§^^^«--,
,-«^§£££§§ amplified by your mind. try not to be §§£££§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@# alarmed, try to remember the persons #@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@# and objects around you, and you can #@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^^^^§§§ discern a mirage from a friend. §§§^^^^«-,
,-««^^§§§§ §§§§^^««-,
,-«^§£§¶@# , , , #@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@@ £ - § § § - £- @@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@# § #@¶§£§^«-,
,,,-««^£§¶ # ^ @ « , ¶ @, ¶ « #¶ # ¶ ¶§£^««-,,,
,-«^§£§¶@# ¶ ^§¶§§¶§ ««- «^£¶^§¶§^ §¶^§£¶£ ¶¶§ «£¶ #@¶§£§^«-,
,,,,,--^£¶ #@¶§¶@##@¶§#@ £§¶#¶£#@#£¶###@¶@ ##@¶#@## ¶£^--,,,,,
,-«^§£§¶## ###@##@#@##¶#¶#@##@#¶#¶@¶#@¶#@#¶@#¶@##¶# ##¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶¶@ ####@@@@########@@@¶¶ ¶¶¶@@@########### @¶¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@# ##@@ @@##@@¶¶ § £ -¶@####@@@## #@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§££££§ #@ ¶@ £ , @@@¶ ¶@# §££££§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@# @¶ @ @@ @@ #@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶¶@ @ @ @ @ @¶¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@@ ¶ ¶ @ @ @@¶§£§^«-,
,,,-^^§££§ ¶ - ¶ @ §££§^^-,,,
,-«^§£§¶## ¶ ^ ¶ ##¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@# , ¶ #@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@@ @@¶§£§^«-,
,,,,-^^§§§ « §§§^^-,,,,
,,,,,«§£§¶ ¶§£§«,,,,,
,-«^§£§¶## ##¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@# #@¶§£§^«-,
,-«^§£§¶@# #@¶§£§^«-,
,,,,,«^§§¶ ¶§§^«,,,,,
,-«^§£§¶@# #@¶§£§^«-,