..»/$$$¤&£ £&¤$$$/»..
..../$$$¤£ £¤$$$/....
..»/$¤&£## ##£&¤$/»..
....»$$¤££ ££¤$$»....
..»/$¤&££# #££&¤$/»..
....»»/¤££ Opposer.Dream ££¤/»»....
....»/$¤££ »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ££¤$/»....
..»//$$¤£# #£¤$$//»..
...»»»$&&£ Intrinsically Weaved Within The Space £&&$»»»...
..»/$¤&£## Between What The Brain Constructs And ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## The Real, The Space Which We Usually ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## Call The Aether, Distortions, ##£&¤$/»..
....»$$¤¤& Anomalies, Can Appear Under &¤¤$$»....
..»/$¤&£## Circumstances, Peculiar Ones, Folded In ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## Like Liquid Crystals, Appearing As If ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## You Suddenly Rotate Your Head In Some ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## Fourth Dimension (Usually More Or Less ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## Uncomfortable) ##£&¤$/»..
..»/¤&£### ###£&¤/»..
..»/$¤&£## The Opposer Looks Like A Concave Square ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## Balancing On A Corner, With Round ##£&¤$/»..
..»/¤&£### Cutouts Along Its Edges Making It Look ###£&¤/»..
..»//$$¤££ Like A Pointy Cross, Or Something From ££¤$$//»..
..»/$¤&&&£ Twewy £&&&¤$/»..
...../¤¤&£ £&¤¤/.....
...»»»$¤££ It'S Hostile, Maybe Not Conscious But ££¤$»»»...
..»/¤&£### Active, Perceiving, Alive In Some ###£&¤/»..
.....»/$$& Sense. But I Feel As If That Might Be A &$$/».....
......./¤£ Reduction, That I'M Interpreting The £¤/.......
.......»$& Tip Of Something Much Larger And Alien &$».......
..»/$¤&£## To Me. Maybe Not Alive, Then, But ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## Something Worse. ##£&¤$/»..
......»$&& &&$»......
..»///¤¤£# #£¤¤///»..
..»/$¤&£## . ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## / ##£&¤$/»..
....»$$&&£ .. $$ .. £&&$$»....
....../¤££ »»»»»»... $$$ ..»»». ££¤/......
......»$¤£ »»».. »¤¤¤ .....»» £¤$»......
..»/$¤&&&& »» &&&&» ». &&&&¤$/»..
....»»/¤¤& .» /&&&&&& . &¤¤/»»....
..»/$¤## £££/ / ###&¤$/»..
..»»»»/$$& // # &$$/»»»»..
..»/$¤&£## »»»&&&////$###$ /&/»»»»». ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## ...»¤¤¤&&// $####/////&&¤¤¤$$$/... ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## » /#/ &¤»»». ##£&¤$/»..
..»///¤¤ /£/ / #&¤¤///»..
..»/$¤£### .» /&&&&&/ ###£¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## »» »&&&&¤ ». ##£&¤$/»..
....»//¤&& .»». ¤¤¤ »». &&¤//»....
..»/$¤&£## »»»».... $$» ..»»»»»» ##£&¤$/»..
.....»$&&£ // ..... £&&$».....
..»/$¤&£## / ##£&¤$/»..
......»/$& . &$/»......
...»/$¤¤&£ £&¤¤$/»...
..»/$¤&£## Various Forms Like These ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤## ###&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## $#$ ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## .#&/ ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤£### .¤¤. ###£¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## .. ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&&&£ .. £&&&¤$/»..
..»/$$¤¤££ .. ££¤¤$$/»..
..»/$¤&£## .. ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## .¤¤. ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## . ./#&/. . ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£££ $#£$»... ....»$£######£$»... ....»$£#$ £££&¤$/»..
....»»/$¤£ $##£$».... ...»$£######£$».... ...»$£##$ £¤$/»»....
..»/$$$&&£ ». ./#&/. .» £&&$$$/»..
..»/$¤¤¤ .¤¤. #&¤¤¤$/»..
.....»$&&& .. &&&$».....
..»/$¤&£## .. ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## .. ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤## .. ###&¤$/»..
....»///$& .¤¤. &$///»....
..»/$¤## /#&. ###&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## $#$ ##£&¤$/»..
....../$¤£ £¤$/......
....»$¤&£# It Morphs #£&¤$»....
..»/$¤## ###&¤$/»..
..»/¤&£### # ###£&¤/»..
..»/$¤&&&& # &&&&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## ##/ ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## /£££/ ##£&¤$/»..
..»//$$$&& »&¤»¤¤»»&» &&$$$//»..
....../¤¤& »» $$ »»» &¤¤/......
..»/$¤&£## .// ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£££ »»» £££&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£££ /» ....... ¤»» £££&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&& $//£/» ».//».........»».. »&&// #&&&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&& $$##££&¤¤»...».... ....»...$¤¤&&££####$$ #&&&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## //£/ ....... »»&£//$$ ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## / .»»»» ¤» ##£&¤$/»..
...../$&£# // #£&$/.....
.....»»$¤£ ¤¤» $ »¤¤» £¤$»».....
.....//$¤& »¤¤»¤»¤¤¤» &¤$//.....
..»/$¤&£## /&&&&/ ##£&¤$/»..
.....»»/¤£ /£££ £¤/»».....
..»/$¤&£## ## ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## # ##£&¤$/»..
...»»//¤££ ££¤//»»...
..»/$¤&£## It Appears In It'S Truest False Form ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&&&£ Inscribed All Over Your Vision, In The £&&&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## Case Of Nightmares, Evil Meditation, Or ##£&¤$/»..
....»»»$¤& Drug-Induced Transcendental States. &¤$»»»....
..»/$¤&£## Living Behind The Curtain, So To Speak, ##£&¤$/»..
...»»/$&££ In The Liquid Between You And The World ££&$/»»...
....»$$&&& You'Re In. &&&$$»....
..»/$¤&£## ##£&¤$/»..
......./¤& But Even In Calmer Times, It'S Never &¤/.......
..»///$&&& Too Far Away, And You Can Find Yourself &&&$///»..
..»/$¤&£## Transfixed By Floor Tiles, Jewelry ##£&¤$/»..
...../$$ (Totems? Charms?), Trees, And Other #&$$/.....
....»/¤&&£ Such Things... £&&¤/»....
..»/$$¤&££ ££&¤$$/»..
..»/$¤&£## ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$¤&£## ##£&¤$/»..
..»/$&£### ###£&$/»..