¤,¤,,,,,¤¤ ¤,¤,¤,¤,,¤
¤,¤,,,,¤,¤ ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
¤,¤,,,¤¤,¤ ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ ^ the wolf pool exists ^ ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ ^ in a stale timeline, ^ ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ ^ branched way back ^ ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ ^ when kirugu vargir ^ ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ ^ was almost barren, ^ ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ comprised mostly of rock and arid soil, ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ and plants were only starting to grow, ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ ^ at all... ^ ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ¤,¤,¤,¤,¤,
&¨#,¨#.&¨¤ #,£,#¨&,@¨
&,§,§&.¤,§ misplaced explorers traverse the ¤,§¨#,§,§.
£,@,¨§.£,¤ landscape, searching for a way back, #.¤.§.#.#¨
£.#,§§¨¤¨@ finding instead only stone and dirt and &.&¨£,¤,#.
¤,&¨.£¨&¨@ roots that are as hard as the ground. #,§.#.¤.#¨
#¨#¨£¤,&.@ it's getting dark, they are thirsty, @,§.¤¨@,@¨
@.§.,@,£,# and about to find the wolf pool. £¨¤,§¨¤.¤,
¤,¤¨¤£,@¨& ¤¨§,§¨#,£¨
¤.¤¨¨#.§.¤ ,#, #,&¨£.¤¨&,
&.§,&&.¤,# &.§¨¤.&,£¨
§.&,¨£¨§.§ the pool lies in a small meteorite &,&.¤,&¨#¨
@,£¨£§.£,§ impact crater, sixty meters across. £¨¤,¤¨&.#.
&.¤.,¤,&¨¤ it's surface is pitch black and even ¤.#,&,#,#¨
&,£,¤&¨¤,& though it's not well protected, it is #¨¤,£.&.#,
§.§,.@¨@,¤ undisturbed by wind. £¨£¨#¨&,&.
&,£.§&¨@¨# £,&.£.¤.§,
&¨£,.£¨#,¤ .#¨ §¨£¨&¨£.¤.
¤,#.@@¨#¨§ &¨@.@¨¤,£¨
§,¤.¨¤,@.& as they stumble on the pool, the §,&,@¨&¨§,
&.#,£@.£¨§ explorers first believe it to be water, #.¤.¤.#.@.
@,@.,¤,£¨¤ which is something they all desire §.§¨@¨§.§,
@.¤.§&¨@¨# greatly at this point. they fail to ¤¨&.§,&¨§¨
£.@.¨@,&.@ notice that the stars do not reflect on ¤.@,#.@.£.
£¨#.§&¨#,§ its surface. one of them crouches to &,£¨#,£¨&¨
@,¤..§.&¨¤ drink, forms a cup with his hands, §¨&¨&,#¨¤.
¤.@.&§.§,& lowers the cup into the pool. £.#.¤¨§,£¨
&.§¨,&.£.@ ¤.#,£¨#.§¨
&,@,§&¨¤.§ he tries to resist at first, but is too &.£¨#.@¨§.
§.¤..§¨#,£ close, and he quickly gives up as the #¨£.§.@,#¨
¤,&¨&£,&,@ liquid flows into his mind. the others, &¨¤.&¨£,£,
&.&¨¨¤,@.@ « not understanding the~danger, move &,¤.@¨§,@,
@¨£¨#§,#,& closer to help their¨friend. £¨£.£,@¨#¨
@,§¨,¤,@.£ , ~ ~ - , £.@.£.&.#,
£,@.¤£,#,¤ and,then.the¨pool.announces.itself §,¤¨&¨#,#.
@¨&..¤¨#.§ to.them¨-,sudden¨-.thoughts¨of, £¨&.¤,&,§,
#.§,#@¨§¨¤ ¨.-dark=wolves~.climbing,out:of,,^- #.#,¤¨#.&.
£.@¨,&.§¨# ~»«the-pool,«surrounding*them=-\/^ £,§¨#.&.&,
#.#¨#£¨£.# †sudden;thoughts/of-«*climbing*=§ §,#¨#.&¨£.
@,¤¨,£¨#,& into*the;pool,†their%thirst†flaring§ £.£¨&,@,£.
¤.#¨¤£,#¨£ §^%bright$-$@a*sudden**awareness# #,§.§¨£,¤.
§,§¨,&¨&¨¤ #*of£&exactly§#how@they£had#traveled,§# §.&¨&,#,#,
@¨&¨£¤¨#.@ #¤of#the#way#home##to@the@time£from@# §¨§,¤,#,@.
&.£.¨&¨§¨# #@where#they#came,##@###@and#then#@## &,¤¨#¨#¨&,
&¨#,£§.£.& #####the#feeling#of#this§knowledge=« ¤.#¨&¨@¨§.
¤¨¤.¨¤¨&¨# ~«being ~ stolen -~ from »~~ them. . #.¤,#¨&.&.
§¨§.§¤,§.# == , ~~~ . ~. ,- - @¨#.@,£¨£¨
¤¨£,.£¨&¨§ - ^, . . @.@¨@.&¨§¨
@,&¨¤&,&.# , . , § &,@¨@,§¨§¨
¤.@..¤,&.¤ £.£,£.£,@,
#,#¨@#¨£.£ ,#, ¤¨#,#,§¨£¨
£.@¨,§.£,@ &.¤.§,¤.#.
@,&¨§&¨@.@ and, &¨¤,§¨¤.@,
&.&,.¤,#,& &.¤¨¤.&.@,
§.£.¤§.#,& now the reach of the pool has widened. &¨&¨#.§.@¨
@.£,.¤,§.§ now its wolves see further. &.@,@,@,£,
§.@.#§¨&¨# £.¤.£.£.@.
¤.¤¨,¤.£.@ #.#.&¨&.#.
§,&¨¤§,@.£ §.@¨§¨¤,¤,
¤,@¨¨#¨§,# £.£.&.&,@¨
£,&,&&¨§¨£ &.¤,¤,@¨@.