.¤¤..¤..¤¤ ¤¤¤......¤
¤.¤.¤¤.¤.¤ ..¤.....¤¤
¤¤¤¤.¤¤¤¤. .¤¤....¤..
...¤¤...¤. ¤.¤...¤¤.¤
..¤.¤..¤¤¤ ¤¤¤..¤.¤¤¤
.¤¤¤¤.¤..¤ »»»» .,»»»#&&&&»»»,. »»»» ..¤.¤¤¤..¤
¤...¤¤¤.¤¤ » at sign, at sign, so many at signs.. » .¤¤¤..¤.¤¤
¤..¤..¤¤.. »»»» .,»»»#&&&&»»»,. »»»» ¤..¤.¤¤¤..
¤.¤¤.¤.¤.¤ . . . ¤.¤¤¤..¤.¤
¤¤.¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ . . . . ¤¤..¤.¤¤¤.
.¤¤....... . . . . . . . . . .¤.¤¤¤..¤¤
¤.¤....... mom, what's an internet? . . . ¤¤¤..¤.¤.¤
¤¤¤....... . . . . ..¤.¤¤¤¤¤.
..¤....... , , , it's a kind of computer program .¤¤¤....¤¤
.¤¤....... where you can send letters to the ¤..¤...¤.¤
¤.¤......¤ tigers, ¤.¤¤..¤¤¤¤
¤¤¤.....¤. , , , even such a thing is possible. ¤¤.¤.¤....
..¤....¤¤¤ . . . .¤¤¤¤¤...¤
.¤¤...¤..¤ . . . . ¤....¤..¤¤
¤.¤..¤¤.¤¤ . . . . . ¤...¤¤.¤.¤
¤¤¤.¤.¤¤.. how do i get it to run? press that ¤..¤.¤¤¤¤.
..¤¤¤¤.¤.. button ¤.¤¤¤...¤¤
.¤...¤¤¤.¤ . . . . . .. over there. ¤¤..¤..¤.¤
¤¤..¤..¤¤. ,,, ,,, ,,, . . . . . .¤.¤¤.¤¤¤¤
.¤.¤¤.¤.¤¤ . . . ,,, . ,,, . ¤¤¤.¤¤....
¤¤¤.¤¤¤¤.. right, and.now? . .......... ..¤¤.¤....
..¤¤...¤.. . .¤.¤¤¤...¤
.¤.¤..¤¤.¤ . . . . wait.... & ¤¤¤..¤..¤¤
¤¤¤¤.¤.¤¤. . mom, there's a pop up. ..... . it ..¤.¤¤.¤.¤
...¤¤¤¤.¤. . . says the internet has been stolen! .¤¤¤.¤¤¤¤.
..¤...¤¤¤. . . . . ¤..¤¤...¤.
.¤¤..¤..¤. what? . . yeah, . ¤.¤.¤..¤¤.
¤.¤.¤¤.¤¤¤ . then we must search for it. . ¤¤¤¤¤.¤.¤.
¤¤¤¤.¤¤... . . . . ....¤¤¤¤¤¤
...¤¤.¤..¤ not in the clothes chamber... . . ...¤......
..¤.¤¤¤.¤. . . . not in the ice cream machine... ..¤¤......
.¤¤¤..¤¤¤¤ not behind the couch... . . . .¤.¤......
¤..¤.¤...¤ , , , , , ¤¤¤¤......
¤.¤¤¤¤..¤¤ , look - stolen; gone from our world. , ...¤.....¤
¤¤...¤.¤.¤ , , , , , ..¤¤....¤.
.¤..¤¤¤¤¤¤ , , , , , .¤.¤...¤¤¤
¤¤.¤...... †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† ¤¤¤¤..¤..¤
.¤¤¤...... † here's the entrance to world three. † ...¤.¤¤.¤.
¤..¤...... †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† ..¤¤¤.¤¤¤.
¤.¤¤.....¤ † † † .¤..¤¤..¤¤
¤¤.¤....¤. † ok, let's go inside... † † † ¤¤.¤.¤.¤..
.¤¤¤...¤¤. what a coup! yes! † † † oh look, .¤¤¤¤¤¤¤.¤
¤..¤..¤.¤. there's the royal ship of naboo... ¤......¤¤¤
¤.¤¤.¤¤¤¤. ¤.....¤...
¤¤.¤¤...¤. ¤....¤¤..¤
.¤¤.¤..¤¤. »»»» .,»»»#&&&&»»»,. »»»» ¤...¤.¤.¤.
¤.¤¤¤.¤.¤¤ *** database @ stolen *** ¤..¤¤¤¤¤¤.
¤¤..¤¤¤¤.¤ appeared on the electro-billboard. ¤.¤.....¤¤
.¤.¤...¤¤¤ »»»» .,»»»#&&&&»»»,. »»»» ¤¤¤....¤..
¤¤¤¤..¤..¤ ..¤...¤¤..
...¤.¤¤.¤. .¤¤..¤.¤.¤
..¤¤¤.¤¤¤¤ they went inside their house and saw ¤.¤.¤¤¤¤¤¤
.¤..¤¤...¤ the modem fast asleep on the carpet. ¤¤¤¤.....¤
¤¤.¤.¤..¤¤ super duper spaceship! boo yah! the ...¤....¤¤
.¤¤¤¤¤.¤.. thousandth planet we claim as ours! ..¤¤...¤..
¤....¤¤¤.. .¤.¤..¤¤..
¤...¤..¤.. ¤¤¤¤.¤.¤.¤
¤..¤¤.¤¤.. ...¤¤¤¤¤¤.
¤.¤.¤¤.¤.¤ ..¤.....¤¤
¤¤¤¤.¤¤¤¤. .¤¤....¤..