###¤%==»:, ,:»==%¤###
###¤%==»:, ,:»==%¤###
###¤%==»:, ,:»==%¤###
#¤=»»,,,,, ,,,,,»»=¤#
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###¤%==»:, ::: # ,timjan, # ::: ,:»==%¤###
###¤%==»:, ,:»==%¤###
###¤%==»:, ,:»==%¤###
###¤%==»:, ,:»==%¤###
¤%=:,,,,,, timjan is a foresty herb forming small ,,,,,,:=%¤
###¤%==»:, moss-like patches. its leaves are a ,:»==%¤###
¤¤==»,,,,, dark grayish green, and it tastes of it ,,,,,»==¤¤
¤==»:,,,,, too: a darky forestal almost smokey ,,,,,:»==¤
#%====:,,, flavour. very nice ,,,:====%#
#%=»»:,,,, ,,,,:»»=%#
¤=»,,,,,,, if youre not gonna eat it, put it under ,,,,,,,»=¤
¤%=»:,,,,, your pillow and it will work with your ,,,,,:»=%¤
###¤%==»:, dreams and shoo away nightmares. ,:»==%¤###
¤==:,,,,,, ,,,,,,:==¤
###¤%==»:, ,:»==%¤###
##%=»»,,,, ,,,,»»=%##
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###¤%==»:, ,:»==%¤###