,&,,,&,,,, &,,&,,,,,,
,,&,,,&,,, ,&,,&,,,,,
,,,&,,,&,, ,,&,,&,,,,
,,,,&,,,&, &,,&,,&,,,
,,,,,&,,,& ,&,,&,,&,,
,,,,,,&,,, Drinky Syrup ~~ Darky slaw ,,&,,&,,&,
,,,,,,,&,, In Cups And Bellies &,,&,,&,,&
&,,,,,,,&, Ghost Creature Blanket Wrapped Around ,&,,&,,&,,
,&,,,,,,,& Freezing Bodies ,,&,,&,,&,
,,&,,,,,,, Minds Interfacing Slightly Like ,,,&,,&,,&
&,,&,,,,,, Colliding Galaxies ,,,,&,,&,,
,&,,&,,,,, Pawing At The Skin From Inside &,,,,&,,&,
,,&,,&,,,, &&,,,,&,,&
&,,&,,&,,, † Dark Eyeballs † &&&,,,,&,,
,&,,&,,&,, † † Black Hole Lensing † † &,&&,,,,&,
,,&,,&,,&, † Hairs Full Of Glitter † ,,&&&,,,,&
&,,&,,&,,& ,,&,&&,,,,
,&,,&,,&,, A Tiredness Like Yearning ,,,,&&&,,,
,,&,,&,,&, Whole-Body Tension ,,,,&,&&,,
,,,&,,&,,& Releasing. Letting Go. Falling Below ,,,,,,&&&,
,,,,&,,&,, Dissapearing. Dissolving ,,,,,,&,&&
&,,,,&,,&, Exhaling ,,,,,,,,&&
&&,,,,&,,& &,,,,,,,&,
&&&,,,,&,, ,&,,,,,,,,
&,&&,,,,&, ,,&,,,,,,,
,,&&&,,,,& ,,,&,,,,,,
,,&,&&,,,, ,,,,&,,,,,