##@§*$==~, ,~==$*§@##
##@§*$==~, ,~==$*§@##
#@@§*$==~, ,~==$*§@@#
##@§*$==~, ,~==$*§@##
###@*$==~, ,~==$*@###
##@§*$==~, Day , Dream , Daydream ,~==$*§@##
##@§*$==~, ,,, ,,, ,~==$*§@##
@§§§*$==~, ,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,~==$*§§§@
##@§*$==~, ,~==$*§@##
§*==,,,,,, ,* We Are Trying To Figure Out When *, ,,,,,,==*§
##@§*$==~, ,* The Day Is, Really, Because There *, ,~==$*§@##
##@§*$==~, ,* Are Conflicting Views On This *, ,~==$*§@##
§§§*$=~,,, ,,,~=$*§§§
§$=,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, , ,,,,, ,,,,,,,=$§
##@§*$==~, ,,,, ,,, ,, ,~==$*§@##
@*====,,,, ,,,,====*@
§§$==~~,,, Old School Thinkers And Worshippers ,,,~~==$§§
@@@§*$==~, Will Say That The Day Starts When The ,~==$*§@@@
#@§§*$==~, Sun Rises, Because, You Know, Thats ,~==$*§§@#
##@§*$==~, True Isn'T It ,~==$*§@##
#§*$====~, ,~====$*§#
@@@§*$==~, Boring People Will Say That The Day ,~==$*§@@@
##@§*$==~, Starts At Eight And Ends At Five... ,~==$*§@##
##@§*$==~, Don'T Believe Them ,~==$*§@##
##@§*$==~, ,~==$*§@##
##@§*$==~, New School Neuroatypical Beings Might ,~==$*§@##
§$=,,,,,,, Argue That The Day Starts When You Wake ,,,,,,,=$§
##@§*$==~, Up. ,~==$*§@##
@§§**$==~, ,~==$**§§@
§*$===~,,, ~ ,,,~===$*§
##@§*$==~, ,~==$*§@##
§****$==~, These Are Probably Different Concepts ,~==$****§
§$=~,,,,,, But The Confusion Is Neat ,,,,,,~=$§
#§*=~~,,,, ,,,,~~=*§#
§§*$=~,,,, I Mean You Can Be Awake At Night? ,,,,~=$*§§
§§**=~~,,, ,,,~~=**§§
###@§$==~, Maybe It'S Only A Day When You Are ,~==$§@###
§**==~~~,, Awake To Experience It, And Then Only ,,~~~==**§
@*$==~~~~, If The Sun Is Up ,~~~~==$*@
##@§*$==~, ,~==$*§@##
§$$=~,,,,, What If Its Cloudy? ,,,,,~=$$§
###§*$==~, ,~==$*§###
@@*$==,,,, ,,,,==$*@@
§$$$=~~~~, ,~~~~=$$$§
##@§*$==~, ,~==$*§@##
##@§*$==~, ,~==$*§@##
##@§*$==~, ,~==$*§@##