@&%/«,,,,, ,,,,,«/%&@
@@@%//«,,, ,,,«//%@@@
##£@&%/«,, ,,«/%&@£##
@@%%««,,,, ,,,,««%%@@
##£@&%/«,, ,,«/%&@£##
##£@&%/«,, , , , , , , ,,«/%&@£##
##£@&%/«,, h o u s e ,,«/%&@£##
##£@&%/«,, , , , , , , ,,«/%&@£##
##£@&%/«,, ,,«/%&@£##
@&/««,,,,, i mean like, you live in it an shit, ,,,,,««/&@
##£@&%/«,, and you get to decorate ,,«/%&@£##
@&//«,,,,, ,,,,,«//&@
##£@&%/«,, or maybe (imean uuuuuh it )might be some ,,«/%&@£##
£&%«,,,,,, one elses house... a house is a building ,,,,,,«%&£
##£@&%/«,, you sleep in? or some person sleeps in? ,,«/%&@£##
@%«,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,«%@
@%«,,,,,,, it's a house if you ,,,,,,,«%@
###£@&%/«, ,,, rent it ,,, ,«/%&@£###
#@%////«,, ««, own it ,«« ,,«////%@#
@@@%««,,,, ,,, like the colour ,,, ,,,,««%@@@
##£@&%/«,, ««, have a pet in there ,«« ,,«/%&@£##
###£&%/«,, ,,, dream of it ,,, ,,«/%&£###
##£@&%/«,, ««, have a relation to it ,«« ,,«/%&@£##
##£@&%/«,, ,,, like the taste of it ,,, ,,«/%&@£##
##£@&%/«,, ««, have friends there ,«« ,,«/%&@£##
##£@&%/«,, ,,, know it by heart ,,, ,,«/%&@£##
#£@%%««,,, ««, made it up ,«« ,,,««%%@£#
##£@&%/«,, ,,, do drugs there ,,, ,,«/%&@£##
##£@&%/«,, ««, died there ,«« ,,«/%&@£##
###£@%/«,, ... and if it's also where you sleep ,,«/%@£###
£&&%%«,,,, ,,,,«%%&&£
##£@&%/«,, ,,«/%&@£##
@@&&/,,,,, if it's a place where you wake up at ,,,,,/&&@@
##£@&%/«,, night but not in the morning we can ,,«/%&@£##
£@@&%/,,,, discuss it, call my phone number ,,,,/%&@@£
@%%«,,,,,, ,,,,,,«%%@
@&%/,,,,,, ,,,,,,/%&@
##£@&%/«,, it could also be something you build ,,«/%&@£##
##£@&%/«,, out of rocks and fabric for your ,,«/%&@£##
#£@@&%/«,, unanimate anthro companion animal ,,«/%&@@£#
#£@&&%/«,, ,,«/%&&@£#
£@@@&%/«,, ,,«/%&@@@£
##£@&%/«,, ,,«/%&@£##
##£@&%/«,, ,,«/%&@£##
###£@&/«,, ,,«/&@£###