diesel, another    
  one of earth's forbidden  
    liquids (tied strongly to   
   earth due to being made of oil   
  (oil is the philosophers  
       stone, btw)      
 so it's a                        
 fuel, right?                     
 we can run generators and robot  canines 
 and stuff  on  this  shit.  hard to find 
 due  to  half-assed  "attempts" to  stop 
 global warming, but  easy  to steal once 
 found  -  you  don't  even  have to hack 
 anything (might have to taste it though) 
 best   to  search  at  night,   roadside 
 trucks and lorries are  already emptied. 
 hidden vehicle  graveyards  out  in  the 
 desert  perhaps,  if the dragons  didn't 
 get  to  them  first.  people's   yards, 
 fenced   in.  those   towns  were   some 
 company    owned   (and   fenced    off, 
 important!) entire  parts of  it... they 
 would usually have a fleet  of vehicles.