#@&@%;«~,, ,,~«;%@&@#
##@&@%;«~, ,~«;%@&@##
#@&@%;«~,, ,,~«;%@&@#
@&@%;«~,,, ,,,~«;%@&@
&@%;«~,,,, ,,,,~«;%@&
@%;«~,,,,, @@@@@@@@@@&@%;«& &«;%@&@@@@@@@@@@@ ,,,,,~«;%@
%;«~,,,,,, @@@@@@@@&@%;«& &«;%@&@@@@@@@@@ ,,,,,,~«;%
;«~,,,,,,, &&&&&&&&@%;«& &«;%@&&&&&&&& ,,,,,,,~«;
«~,,,,,,,, @@@@@@@%;«& &«;%@@@@@@@ ,,,,,,,,~«
~,,,,,,,,, %%%%%%;«& Diesel, Another &«;%%%%%% ,,,,,,,,,~
,,,,,,,,,, ;;;;;«& One Of Earth'S Forbidden &«;;;;; ,,,,,,,,,,
~,,,,,,,,, ««««& Liquids (Tied Strongly To &«««« ,,,,,,,,,~
«~,,,,,,,, ««& Earth Due To Being Made Of Oil &«« ,,,,,,,,~«
;«~,,,,,,, ««««& &«««« ,,,,,,,~«;
%;«~,,,,,, ~~~~~«& (Oil Is The Philosophers &«~~~~~ ,,,,,,~«;%
@%;«~,,,,, ,,,,,,~«& Stone, Btw) &«~,,,,,, ,,,,,~«;%@
&@%;«~,,,, ,~«& &«~, ,,,,~«;%@&
@&@%;«~,,, ,~«& &«~, Ibis ,,,~«;%@&@
#@&@%;«~,, So It'S A ,~«& &«~, ,,~«;%@&@#
##@&@%;«~, Fuel, Right? ,~«& &«~, ,~«;%@&@##
#@&@%;«~,, We Can Run Generators And Robot Canines ,,~«;%@&@#
@&@%;«~,,, And Stuff On This Shit. Hard To Find ,,,~«;%@&@
&@%;«~,,,, Due To Half-Assed "Attempts" To Stop ,,,,~«;%@&
@%;«~,,,,, Global Warming, But Easy To Steal Once ,,,,,~«;%@
%;«~,,,,,, Found - You Don'T Even Have To Hack ,,,,,,~«;%
;«~,,,,,,, Anything (Might Have To Taste It Though) ,,,,,,,~«;
«~,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,~«
~,,,,,,,,, Best To Search At Night, Roadside ,,,,,,,,,~
,,,,,,,,,, Trucks And Lorries Are Already Emptied. ,,,,,,,,,,
~,,,,,,,,, Hidden Vehicle Graveyards Out In The ,,,,,,,,,~
«~,,,,,,,, Desert Perhaps, If The Dragons Didn'T ,,,,,,,,~«
;«~,,,,,,, Get To Them First. People'S Yards, ,,,,,,,~«;
%;«~,,,,,, Fenced In. Those Towns Were Some ,,,,,,~«;%
@%;«~,,,,, Company Owned (And Fenced Off, ,,,,,~«;%@
&@%;«~,,,, Important!) Entire Parts Of It... They ,,,,~«;%@&
@&@%;«~,,, Would Usually Have A Fleet Of Vehicles. ,,,~«;%@&@
#@&@%;«~,, ,,~«;%@&@#
##@&@%;«~, ,~«;%@&@##
#@&@%;«~,, ,,~«;%@&@#
@&@%;«~,,, ,,,~«;%@&@
&@%;«~,,,, ,,,,~«;%@&