&&&,&,,,,& &,,&&,&,&&
,,&&&,,,&& &,&,&&&&,,
,&,,&,,&,& &&&&,,,&,,
&&,&&,&&&, ,,,&,,&&,,
,&&,&&,,&, ,,&&,&,&,&
&,&&,&,&&& Tape Zooms By Here (Downward) Z« ,&,&&&&&&&
&&,&&&&,,, £ & &&&,,,,,,,
,&&,,,&,,, ,,, ,,&,,,,,,&
&,&,,&&,,, ,,, ,&&,,,,,&&
&&&,&,&,,& ###; |,, &,&,,,,&,,
,,&&&&&,&& ####% V,, First Comes The Erase head &&&,,,&&,&
,&,,,,&&,, #####; ,,, Creates A Weirding Field ,,&,,&,&&&
&&,,,&,&,& ## ### ,,, Which Destroys Information ,&&,&&&,,&
,&,,&&&&&& #####; ,,, By Homogenizing It &,&&,,&,&,
&&,&,,,,,, ####% ,|, (If Awakened) &&,&,&&&&,
,&&&,,,,,, ###; ,V, ,&&&&,,,&&
&,,&,,,,,& ,,, &,,,&,,&,&
&,&&,,,,&& ,,, &,,&&,&&&,
&&,&,,,&,& ,,, &,&,&&,,&&
,&&&,,&&&, |,, &&&&,&,&,,
&,,&,&,,&, #####« V,, ,,,&&&&&,,
&,&&&&,&&& ######$ ,,, Second Lies The Play head ,,&,,,,&,&
&&,,,&&,,, #######« ,,, Kind Of Like A Psychic ,&&,,,&&&,
,&,,&,&,,, ######## ,,, Caught In A Bottle - &,&,,&,,&&
&&,&&&&,,, #######« ,,, Can Read Whats In The Tape &&&,&&,&,&
,&&,,,&,,, ######$ ,,| Without Touching ,,&&,&&&&,
&,&,,&&,,, #####« ,,V ,&,&&,,,&,
&&&,&,&,,& ,,, &&&,&,,&&&
,,&&&&&,&& ;;;;;. ,,, ,,&&&,&,,,
,&,,,,&&,& ;;;;;;« ,,, Third One... Worst Of The ,&,,&&&,,,
&&,,,&,&&, ;;;;;;;. ,,, Fields... The Record head! &&,&,,&,,,
,&,,&&&,&& ;;;;;;;; ,|, Actual Mind control Shit ,&&&,&&,,&
&&,&,,&&,, ;;;;;;;. ,V, Going On. Watch Out! &,,&&,&,&&
,&&&,&,&,, ;;;;;;« ,,, She Tickles! &,&,&&&&,,
&,,&&&&&,& ;;;;;. ,,, &&&&,,,&,,
&,&,,,,&&, ,,, ,,,&,,&&,&
&&&,,,&,&& ,,, ,,&&,&,&&,
,,&,,&&&,, ,&,&&&&,&&
,&&,&,,&,& The Record head Works In Tandem With &&&,,,&&,&
&,&&&,&&&, The Erase head (The Brainwash Works ,,&,,&,&&&
&&,,&&,,&, Best If The Mind Is $Already Empty) ,&&,&&&,,,
,&,&,&,&&, &,&&,,&,,&
&&&&&&&,&& I Usually Detooth My Head Arrays By &&,&,&&,&&
,,,,,,&&,, Removin The Eraser. This Creates A ,&&&&,&&,,
,,,,,&,&,& Different (Softer) Beast (You Might &,,,&&,&,,
,,,,&&&&&, Recognize The Tape canon Sound) &,,&,&&&,,
,,,&,,,,&, &,&&&,,&,,
,,&&,,,&&, &&,,&,&&,,
,&,&,,&,&, ,&,&&&,&,,
&&&&,&&&&& &&&,,&&&,,
,,,&&,,,,& ,,&,&,,&,&
,,&,&,,,&, ,&&&&,&&&&