.:~^$&£@## ##@£&$^~:.
...:^^&&££ ££&&^^:...
.:~^$&£@## ##@£&$^~:.
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....~^$$££ ££$$^~....
.:~^$&£@## ^.^. ^...........^ .^.^ ##@£&$^~:.
...:::^$££ ££$^:::...
..::::^$&£ i was at the beach and there was this £&$^::::..
.:~^$&£@## person who never left the water, with ##@£&$^~:.
.:~^$&£@## her two dogs. large, orange dogs... ##@£&$^~:.
.:~^$&£@## after watching for a while, i went to ##@£&$^~:.
.:~^$&£@## swim, and they approached. ##@£&$^~:.
.:~^^^^^&£ £&^^^^^~:.
.:~^$&£@## one of the dogs approached me, ##@£&$^~:.
.:~^$&£@@# friendly, he showed he his teeth. they #@@£&$^~:.
.:::~~$&@@ were sharp, very sharp. he licked them. @@&$~~:::.
.:~^$&£@## ##@£&$^~:.
.:~^$&£££@ suddenly i was terrified, i didn't know @£££&$^~:.
.:~^$&£@## why, but i was terrified of the beach, ##@£&$^~:.
.:~^$&£@## of land. but not of him. not of the ##@£&$^~:.
.:~^$&£@## teeth. ##@£&$^~:.
.:~^$&£@## ##@£&$^~:.
.....::^&@ .$#~~~~#$. @&^::.....
......~$&£ ~#~#~ . . ~#~#~ £&$~......
.:~^$&&&@# ~#~ . . . . . . . . . . ~#~ #@&&&$^~:.
.:~^$&£@## $ . . . . . . $ ##@£&$^~:.
.:~^$&£@## $ the animal is beautiful, $ ##@£&$^~:.
......~$&£ $ an inside-out version of a plant, $ £&$~......
.:~^$&££@@ # a gorgeous, seeping, dripping thing, # @@££&$^~:.
.:~^$&£### # and you want to be a part of it, # ###£&$^~:.
..::::^$££ $ you want to be inside of it, $ ££$^::::..
.....~^&£# $ you want to be in the same place $ #£&^~.....
.:~^^^$&&@ $ . . . . . . $ @&&$^^^~:.
.:~^$&£@## ~#~ . . . . . . . . . . ~#~ ##@£&$^~:.
.:~^&£@### ~#~#~ . . ~#~#~ ###@£&^~:.
.:~^$&£@@# .$#~~~~#$. #@@£&$^~:.
.:~$&£@### ###@£&$~:.
.:~^$&£@## ##@£&$^~:.
.:~^$&£@## ##@£&$^~:.
......:^&@ @&^:......
....~~^$££ ££$^~~....