###§¤%;».. ..»;%¤§###
##@§¤%;».. ..»;%¤§@##
@@¤;...... ......;¤@@
#§§§¤%;».. ..»;%¤§§§#
##@§¤%;».. ..»;%¤§@##
##@§¤%;».. .................. ..»;%¤§@##
§§%%»..... . flesh! . .....»%%§§
§§%;...... .................. ......;%§§
#§¤¤;;»... ...»;;¤¤§#
###@§¤;».. flesh comes in many different forms ..»;¤§@###
@¤;....... » the blood colonies from when ur born .......;¤@
##@§¤%;».. » sick flesh (if u got bacteria) ..»;%¤§@##
@§%»»..... » glow slime (drug corruption) .....»»%§@
###@¤%;».. » venison (for eating) ..»;%¤@###
§%»....... » stone .......»%§
§%;....... » meat (eaten by others) .......;%§
@@@§¤%;».. » plant matter (dryads and such) ..»;%¤§@@@
##@§¤%;».. ..»;%¤§@##
§¤¤¤;».... we desire almost all of these forms ....»;¤¤¤§
§§§¤¤%;».. "the grass is greener" but some are ..»;%¤¤§§§
@§¤%»».... more valuable (esp. stone variants ....»»%¤§@
##@§¤%;».. (minerals, gems)) ..»;%¤§@##
##@§¤%;».. ..»;%¤§@##
@@¤%;;»... ooooh! ...»;;%¤@@
§¤;....... .......;¤§
##@§¤%;».. ((my memory fades at this point)) ..»;%¤§@##
@§¤;;;»... ...»;;;¤§@
#@@§¤%;».. ..»;%¤§@@#
§¤;»...... ......»;¤§
@@@§¤%;».. ..»;%¤§@@@
##@§¤%;».. ..»;%¤§@##