,@,@,@,@,@ @@,,@@@,,@
@@@@@@@@@@ @,@,@,,@,@
,,,,,,,,,, @@@@@@,@@@
@,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,@@,,
@@,,,,,,,, @,,,,,@,@,
@,@,,,,,,, @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ,@,,,,@@@@
,@@@,,,,,, @ a third pocket operator, po sixteen. @ @@@,,,@,,,
,@,,@,,,,, @ @ ,,,@,,@@,,
,@@,@@,,,, @ it's a children's toy, @ @,,@@,@,@,
,@,@@,@,,, @ themed around the so-called @ ,@,@,@@@@@
@@@@,@@@,, @ "bird factory". @ ,@@@@@,,,,
@,,,@@,,@, @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@,,,,@,,,
@@,,@,@,@@ ,,@,,,@@,,
@,@,@@@@@, the bird factory is a rumored dungeon ,,@@,,@,@,
@@@@@,,,,@ in the far and cold mountains, where @,@,@,@@@@
,,,,,@,,,@ monks, slaves, or children (differing ,@@@@@@,,,
,,,,,@@,,@ between accounts) are creating the ,@,,,,,@,,
,,,,,@,@,@ birds of the world. @@@,,,,@@,
,,,,,@@@@@ ,,,@,,,@,@
@,,,,@,,,, the story goes, that the people of the @,,@@,,@@@
,@,,,@@,,, dungeon would mine for minerals that ,@,@,@,@,,
,@@,,@,@,, were spreckled, or otherwise @@@@@@@@@,
,@,@,@@@@, interestingly colored. the minerals @,,,,,,,,@
@@@@@@,,,@ would be divided into various sizes and ,@,,,,,,,@
,,,,,,@,,@ made into egg-like shapes. @@@,,,,,,@
@,,,,,@@,@ ,,,@,,,,,@
,@,,,,@,@@ these eggs would then be placed in a ,,,@@,,,,@
@@@,,,@@@, special hatchery, until hatched, and so ,,,@,@,,,@
,,,@,,@,,@ all birds were born. @,,@@@@,,@
@,,@@,@@,@ ,@,@,,,@,@
,@,@,@@,@@ regarding the little toy machine, what ,@@@@,,@@@
@@@@@@,@@, the heck, man, i mean, why does it ,@,,,@,@,,
@,,,,,@@,@ sound like this? there's @@@,,@@@@,
@@,,,,@,@@ « like some useable sounds « ,,,@,@,,,@
,,@,,,@@@, « three flat out weird sounds « @,,@@@@,,@
@,@@,,@,,@ « and one drum kit that's whack « @@,@,,,@,@
,@@,@,@@,@ ,,@@@,,@@@
@@,@@@@,@@ ,,@,,@,@,,
@,@@,,,@@, @,@@,@@@@,
@@@,@,,@,@ ,@@,@@,,,@
,,,@@@,@@@ @@,@@,@,,@