&,&&,&&,,& &&,&&&&,&,
&&&,&&,&,& &,&&,,,&&&
,,,&&,&&&& ,&&,&,,&,,
,,,&,&&,,, ,&,&&&,&&,
,,,&&&,&,, ,&&&,,&&,&
&,,&,,&&&, My Good Fathers Good Friend Gave Me The &&,,&,&,&&
,&,&&,&,,& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, &,&,&&&&&,
,&&&,&&&,& , Fostex X fifteen , &&&&&,,,,&
&&,,&&,,&& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, &,,,,&,,,&
,,&,&,&,&, And Its A Two track Tape Recorder ,&,,,&&,,&
&,&&&&&&&& ,&&,,&,&,&
,&&,,,,,,, I Don'T Really Get How It Works. It Has &&,&,&&&&&
&&,&,,,,,, Two X Rca In, Two X Rca Out, And Four X &,&&&&,,,,
&,&&&,,,,, Rca "Tape Out" Which I Guess Is All Four &&&,,,&,,,
&&&,,&,,,, Channels On The Cassette - Which Means &,,&,,&&,,
&,,&,&&,,, The B Side Is Played Backwards If It'S &&,&&,&,&,
&&,&&&,&,, Like That ,,&&,&&&&&
,,&&,,&&&, &,&,&&,,,,
,,&,&,&,,& So Now I Have To Differentiate Between ,&&&&,&,,,
,,&&&&&&,& Four Track Cassettes And Two X Two Track ,&,,,&&&,,
,,&,,,,,&& Ones... Or Not, Just As Well &&&,,&,,&,
,,&&,,,,&, &,,&,&&,&&
&,&,&,,,&& # ===== # &&,&&&,&&,
&&&&&&,,&, &,&&,,&&,&
,,,,,,&,&& It Featyures A Low Noise Floor Which Is ,&&,&,&,&&
&,,,,,&&&, Great, But There Is Some Dithering &&,&&&&&&,
&&,,,,&,,& Noise Or If It Is The Motor, I Dont ,,&&,,,,,&
,,&,,,&&,& Know, &,&,&,,,,&
&,&&,,&,&& Also There Is A Really Rad Red Cassette &&&&&&,,,&
,&&,&,&&&, Slot Cover ,,,,,,&,,&
&&,&&&&,,& &,,,,,&&,&
,,&&,,,&,& # ==== # &&,,,,&,&&
&,&,&,,&&& &,&,,,&&&,
&&&&&&,&,, It Does ,Not, Have A Speed hole But ,&&&,,&,,&
,,,,,,&&&, Rather A Much Neater Actual Speed Knob ,&,,&,&&,&
&,,,,,&,,& I Dont Know The Percentage Of &&&,&&&,&&
,&,,,,&&,& Difference But It Applies Also To Fast ,,,&&,,&&,
,&&,,,&,&& Forward And Rewind ,,,&,&,&,&
&&,&,,&&&, &,,&&&&&&&
,,&&&,&,,& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,&,&,,,,,,
,,&,,&&&,& , Future Refusals , &&&&&,,,,,
,,&&,&,,&& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, &,,,,&,,,,
,,&,&&&,&, ,&,,,&&,,,
,,&&&,,&&& Update: This Fuckers Gone Whacko And &&&,,&,&,,
,,&,,&,&,, You Need To Flip It Over Constantly And &,,&,&&&&,
,,&&,&&&&, Get In There With Your Hand ,&,&&&,,,&
&,&,&&,,,& ,&&&,,&,,&
,&&&&,&,,& &&,,&,&&,&
&&,,,&&&,& ,,&,&&&,&&
,,&,,&,,&& &,&&&,,&&,
,,&&,&&,&, &&&,,&,&,&
&,&,&&,&&& &,,&,&&&&&