£..£.£..£. .£.......£
££....£..£ ..£......£
.££....£.. ...£.....£
.£££....£. ....£.....
.£.££....£ .....£....
...£££.... rails £.....£...
...£.££... .£.....£..
.....£££.. ..£.....£.
.....£.££. ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ...£.....£
£......£££ £...£.....
.£.....£.£ ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ .£...£....
..£......£ ..£...£...
...£.....£ ...£...£..
....£..... trains are so constructed that they ....£...£.
.....£.... have to follow a set path. this path is .....£...£
£.....£... called a "railway", which is comprised ......£...
.£.....£.. of two metal rails, hence its nickname. £......£..
..£.....£. .£......£.
...£.....£ because the low friction between the ..£......£
£...£..... wheels of the train and the rail metal, ...£......
.£...£.... there are limits for how acute a curve ....£.....
..£...£... can be, and even more so for how much £....£....
...£...£.. the ground under the rails can be ££....£...
....£...£. sloped. thus a railway is often not led .££....£..
.....£...£ on top of hills, rather through them in .£££....£.
......£... tunnels (if they are large), or .£.££....£
£......£.. artificial chasms. ...£££....
.£......£. ...£.££...
..£......£ there will be trees on the side of the £....£££..
...£...... rails, but not too close, or they will .£...£.££.
....£..... be cut down by the railway janitors. ..£....£££
£....£.... there will be plains, and bodies of ...£...£.£
££....£... water. ....£....£
.££....£.. .....£...£
.£££....£. trains go by day and by night. along £.....£...
.£.££....£ the way, there is information ££.....£..
...£££.... scattered, often put on top of poles, .££.....£.
...£.££... to be interpreted by the train drivers. .£££.....£
£....£££.. different parts of the railway have .£.££.....
.£...£.££. different speed limits. ...£££....
..£....£££ ...£.££...
...£...£.£ sometimes, trains have to stop and wait .....£££..
....£....£ for something to happen, far away. this .....£.££.
.....£...£ is signaled by red or green lights. .......£££
£.....£... £......£.£
££.....£.. ££££££££ .£.......£
.££.....£. ..£......£
.£££.....£ many people follow the rails by foot. £..£......
.£.££..... often this proves to be the shorter .£..£.....
...£££.... path between two points. however this ..£..£....
...£.££... is frowned upon, and very impolite ...£..£...
.....£££.. toward the train drivers! ....£..£..
.....£.££. £....£..£.
.......£££ ££....£..£
£......£.£ .££....£..
.£.......£ .£££....£.
..£......£ .£.££....£
£..£...... ...£££....