,,££,£,£,, £,£££,,£,,
,,£,£££££, ,££,,£,££,
,,£££,,,,£ ££,£,£££,£
£,£,,£,,,£ £,££££,,££
,£££,££,,£ £££,,,£,£,
,£,,££,£,£ \\\ wolf \\\ £,,£,,££££
£££,£,££££ ,£,££,£,,,
£,,££££,,, wolves are cool dogs who roam in the ££££,£££,,
££,£,,,£,, forest and other places, hunting £,,,££,,£,
£,£££,,££, together, living in wandering, cashless ££,,£,£,££
,££,,£,£,£ societies. ,,£,£££££,
,£,£,£££££ £,£££,,,,£
££££££,,,, often called the original solarpunk ,££,,£,,,£
,,,,,,£,,, animal, they're all about being off the ££,£,££,,£
£,,,,,££,, grid, living off the land, and having a £,££££,£,£
,£,,,,£,£, small footprint (not at all a small ,££,,,££££
£££,,,££££ pawprint) ££,£,,£,,,
£,,£,,£,,, £,£££,££,,
££,££,££,, wolves awoo at the moon because it's £££,,££,£,
£,££,££,£, the cooler floaty orb i guess, but also ,,,£,£,£££
,££,££,£££ at each other as a form of ,,,£££££,,
,£,££,££,, communication. which begs the question ,,,£,,,,£,
,£££,££,£, if they're not communing with the moon ,,,££,,,££
££,,££,£££ in some way. if there's an exchange. £,,£,£,,£,
£,£,£,££,, ,£,££££,££
,££££££,£, when wolves are not in use they reside ££££,,,££,
,£,,,,,£££ in the wolf pool, from which they can ,,,,£,,£,£
£££,,,,£,, be summoned if you know their names. ,,,,££,£££
,,,£,,,££, ,,,,£,££,,
,,,££,,£,£ ,,,,£££,£,
,,,£,£,£££ ,,,,£,,£££
£,,£££££,, \\\ maned wolf \\\ ,,,,££,£,,
££,£,,,,£, ,,,,£,£££,
£,£££,,,££ the most wonderful kind of wolf, he has ,,,,£££,,£
,££,,£,,£, long skinny legs and lives on wolf £,,,£,,£,£
££,£,££,££ fruit. a recluse, yes, but he will come ££,,££,£££
,,££££,££, if offered fatty foods. ,,£,£,££,,
,,£,,,££,£ ,,£££££,£,
,,££,,£,££ ,,£,,,,£££
£,£,£,£££, £,££,,,£,,
£££££££,,£ £££,£,,££,
£,,,,,,£,£ £,,£££,£,£