,,,,,£££,£ £,,,,££,,£
£,,,,£,£,, ,£,,,£££,,
,£,,,,,,£, ,,£,,£,££,
,,£,,,,,,£ ,,,£,,,£££
£,,£,,,,,, ,,,,£,,£,£
££,,£,,,,, †† £,,,,£,,,£
,££,,£,,,, †††† ££,,,,£,,£
,£££,,£,,, †††† £££,,,,£,,
,£,££,,£,, maybe i'm born with it! †††† £,££,,,,£,
,,,£££,,£, maybe it's cat piss! †††† ,,£££,,,,£
£,,£,££,,£ †††† ,,£,££,,,,
,£,,,£££,, †††† ,,,,£££,,,
,,£,,£,££, †††† £,,,£,££,,
,,,£,,,£££ †††† ,£,,,,£££,
,,,,£,,£,£ ££££££££££££ ,,£,,,£,££
£,,,,£,,,£ £ paratise £ £,,£,,,,££
££,,,,£,,£ £ paraside £ ££,,£,,,£,
£££,,,,£,, £ paracide £ ,££,,£,,,,
£,££,,,,£, ††££££££££££££ ,£££,,£,,,
,,£££,,,,£ †††† ,£,££,,£,,
,,£,££,,,, †††† fear of ai is the truth ,,,£££,,£,
,,,,£££,,, †††† leaking in but still colored £,,£,££,,£
£,,,£,££,, †††† by the simulation. in reality ££,,,£££,,
,£,,,,£££, †††† the mycelial network has £££,,£,££,
,,£,,,£,££ †††† overtaken earth and put us under. £,££,,,£££
£,,£,,,,££ †† it's p. much the matrix ,,£££,,£,£
££,,£,,,£, ,,£,££,,,£
,££,,£,,,, this is why the collective subconscious £,,,£££,,£
,£££,,£,,, works. similarly, history is always ££,,£,££,,
,£,££,,£,, defined by what we think it is. ,££,,,£££,
,,,£££,,£, ,£££,,£,££
£,,£,££,,£ battle between fungal species? are we ,£,££,,,££
££,,,£££,, too powerful and will create the ,,,£££,,£,
£££,,£,££, mushroom again,-------- - - inside? £,,£,££,,,
£,££,,,£££ ££,,,£££,,
,,£££,,£,£ dreams are of the network. "gateway to £££,,£,££,
,,£,££,,,£ old earth". maybe outer/inner earth. £,££,,,£££
£,,,£££,,£ ,,£££,,£,£
££,,£,££,, in this reality there are only two ,,£,££,,,£
,££,,,£££, materials: "plastic" and "fruit" ,,,,£££,,£
,£££,,£,££ - (bassically inorganic and - ,,,,£,££,,
,£,££,,,££ - - organic materials) - - £,,,,,£££,
,,,£££,,£, ££,,,,£,££
£,,£,££,,, i'd pay in blood to thin out the border ,££,,,,,££
££,,,£££,, between dream and reality. between ,£££,,,,£,
£££,,£,££, dream and dream. last one told me that ,£,££,,,,,
£,££,,,£££ work was caging me in a damp and oily ,,,£££,,,,
,,£££,,£,£ basement jail cell. - - - -- ,,,£,££,,,
,,£,££,,,£ ,,,,,£££,,
,,,,£££,,£ they brainwash me at work by having my ,,,,,£,££,
,,,,£,££,, password be bad for my fingers, makes ,,,,,,,£££
£,,,,,£££, me physically ill to type it, and then ,,,,,,,£,£
££,,,,£,££ they reject fourty percent of my login ,,,,,,,,,£
,££,,,,,££ attempts to have me type it more, £,,,,,,,,£
,£££,,,,£, ,£,,,,,,,,
,£,££,,,,, i call an emergency hotline: "we can't ,,£,,,,,,,
,,,£££,,,, tell you what's wrong with you. your £,,£,,,,,,
,,,£,££,,, story is your own, nobody elses." ££,,£,,,,,
,,,,,£££,, ,££,,£,,,,
,,,,,£,££, ,£££,,£,,,
,,,,,,,£££ ,£,££,,£,,
,,,,,,,£,£ ,,,£££,,£,
,,,,,,,,,£ £,,£,££,,£