When I  Was In Eight  Grade I Decided  I 
 Was Dead.  My  Spirit Had Left  My Body, 
             Never To Return.             
 I Remember Sitting In My Parents  Car On 
 A  Cloudy, Watery  Day,  Getting  A Ride 
 Somewhere.  It  Felt  Like I Had  Solved 
 Some   Great  Puzzle.   I'Ve  Solved  No 
           Puzzles Since Then.            
  Instead, I'Ve Been Mindlessly Piloting  
 This Body Around. I Still Give  It Life, 
 Somehow. Like A  Golem, And I Try Not To 
 Care  Too  Much,   But   I  Do.  It'S  A 
   Contaminated Golem, This One. Purity   
 Clouded  By  My Echo.  Afterglow  Of  My 