race disc                 
                ing .                 
 the  race car looks like  a green or red 
         miniature version of the         
 millenium falcon, or  like the first two 
 thirds  of  a   typical  starfleet  ship 
        turned upside down, with a        
  minimalistic black steel frame bodged  
 on   for   the  wires  to  hang  on  to. 
     it appears in certain abandoned      
     stadiums/driving ranges after the    
     twenty fourth hour. some support     
       personnel is there as well.        
 the  person  in  the  car  is  a  famous 
 actor,  maybe  even  a  character   he's 
  playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone 
             like that. ra            
 the  person  in  the  car  is  a  famous 
 actor,   maybe  even  a  character  he's 
 playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone  
            like that. ra             
 the  person  in  the  car  is  a  famous 
 actor,  maybe  even   a  character  he's 
  playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone 
             like that. ra            
 the  person  in  the  car  is  a  famous 
 actor,  maybe  even   a  character  he's 
  playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone 
            like that. ra             
 the  person  in  the  car  is  a  famous 
 actor,  maybe   even  a  character  he's 
  playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone 
            like that. ra             
 the  person  in  the  car  is  a  famous 
 actor,  maybe  even  a   character  he's 
 playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone  
            like that. ra             
 the  person  in  the  car  is  a  famous 
 actor,  maybe  even  a  character   he's 
  playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone 
             like that. ra            
 the  person  in  the  car  is  a  famous 
 actor,  maybe  even  a  character   he's 
 playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone  
             like that. ra            
 the  person  in  the  car  is  a  famous 
 actor,   maybe  even  a  character  he's 
  playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone 
               he dies              
      when he crashes the disc      
  or maybe it's his wife. she' is   
  also inside. she didn't actually  
  step in the car but that doesn't  
  matter as much as you think that  
  it does.                          
 there is  a  mourning period. time us 
       turned back. he races again