#@@§£^=«., ,.«=^£§@@#
§£^=«,,,,, ,,,,,«=^£§
§^«««,,,,, ,,,,,«««^§
##@@§£^=«, ,«=^£§@@##
#@@§£^=«., ,.«=^£§@@#
@§£££^=«., ,«««««««««, ,.«=^£££§@
#@@§£^=«., race disc ,.«=^£§@@#
@££££^=«., ,,,ing, . ,.«=^££££@
@£^«.,,,,, ^,.. ,,, ,,,,,.«^£@
@§§§£^=«., ,.«=^£§§§@
#@@§£^=«., ,.«=^£§@@#
§^=«.,,,,, the race car looks like a green or red ,,,,,.«=^§
##@@£^=«., miniature version of the ,.«=^£@@##
§^=«.,,,,, millenium falcon, or like the first two ,,,,,.«=^§
@££££^=«., thirds of a typical starfleet ship ,.«=^££££@
##@@§^=«., turned upside down, with a ,.«=^§@@##
#@@§£^=«., minima«listic black steel frame bodged ,.«=^£§@@#
@£^=«««,,, on for the wires to hang on to. ,,,«««=^£@
##@@§£^«., ,.«^£§@@##
#@@§£^=«., it appears in certain abandoned ,.«=^£§@@#
@@@§£^=«., stadiums/driving ranges after the ,.«=^£§@@@
#@@§£^=«., twenty fourth hour. some support ,.«=^£§@@#
@@§£===«., personnel is there as well. ,.«===£§@@
@@£^^=«.,, ,,.«=^^£@@
@£=««,,,,, .,, ra, ,,,,,««=£@
##@@§^=«., ,.«=^§@@##
@§^==..,,, the person in the car is a famous ,,,..==^§@
§^====.,,, actor, maybe even a character he's ,,,.====^§
##@§£^=«., playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone ,.«=^£§@##
@@§^««,,,, like that..,, ra, ,,,,««^§@@
@£^^=.,,,, ,,,,.=^^£@
§£===.,,,, the person in the car is a famous ,,,,.===£§
@§££=.,,,, actor, maybe even a character he's ,,,,.=££§@
@@@§£^=«., playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone ,.«=^£§@@@
@££=«.,,,, like that..,, ra, ,,,,.«=££@
@@£££^=«., ,.«=^£££@@
@§^=«.,,,, the person in the car is a famous ,,,,.«=^§@
#@@§£^=«., actor, maybe even a character he's ,.«=^£§@@#
@@@§£^=«., playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone ,.«=^£§@@@
§§££==.,,, like that..,, ra, ,,,.==££§§
#@@§£^=«., ,.«=^£§@@#
§££=«.,,,, the person in the car is a famous ,,,,.«=££§
§^=..,,,,, actor, maybe even a character he's ,,,,,..=^§
#@@§£^=«., playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone ,.«=^£§@@#
@@@§£^=«., like that..,, ra, ,.«=^£§@@@
§§§§£^=«., ,.«=^£§§§§
@£^««..,,, the person in the car is a famous ,,,..««^£@
§^=.,,,,,, actor, maybe even a character he's ,,,,,,.=^§
@@£=«.,,,, playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone ,,,,.«=£@@
#@@§£^=«., like that..,, ra, ,.«=^£§@@#
@@@§£^=«., ,.«=^£§@@@
##@§£^=«., the person in the car is a famous ,.«=^£§@##
##@@£^=«., actor, maybe even a character he's ,.«=^£@@##
§^=«,,,,,, playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone ,,,,,,«=^§
@@@§£^=«., like that..,, ra, ,.«=^£§@@@
#@@§£^=«., ,.«=^£§@@#
@§££^^=«., the person in the car is a famous ,.«=^^££§@
@@@§£^=«., actor, maybe even a character he's ,.«=^£§@@@
@§££^^=«., playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone ,.«=^^££§@
#@@§£^=«., like that..,, ra, ,.«=^£§@@#
@@£^^==«., ,.«==^^£@@
##@@£^=«., the person in the car is a famous ,.«=^£@@##
#@@§£^=«., actor, maybe even a character he's ,.«=^£§@@#
##@@§£^=., playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone ,.=^£§@@##
##@@£^=«., like that..,, ra, ,.«=^£@@##
@£^«.,,,,, ,,,,,.«^£@
@§£££^=«., the person in the car is a famous ,.«=^£££§@
@§§§£^=«., actor, maybe even a character he's ,.«=^£§§§@
##@§£^=«., playing. partick swayzee maybe, someone ,.«=^£§@##
@§^==.,,,, l ,,,,.==^§@
##@§£^=«., ,.«=^£§@##
@@§§£^=«., ,^@ he dies @^, ,.«=^£§§@@
@@@§£^=«., ,^@ when he crashes the disc @^, ,.«=^£§@@@
@§££=««,,, ,^@ or maybe it's his wife. she' is @^, ,,,««=££§@
@@@§£^=«., ,^@ also inside. she didn't actually @^, ,.«=^£§@@@
##@§£^=«., ,^@ step in the car but that doesn't @^, ,.«=^£§@##
@£££^=.,,, ,^@ matter as much as you think that @^, ,,,.=^£££@
#@@§£^=«., ,^@ it does. ,^@ ,.«=^£§@@#
@@@§£^=«., ,.«=^£§@@@
§§^=««,,,, there is a mourning period. time«« «us ,,,,««=^§§
§££=...,,, turned back. he races again ,,,...=££§
§£=..,,,,, ,,,,,..=£§
@§§^=..,,, ,,,..=^§§@
@§££==«,,, ,,,«==££§@
§£^==.,,,, ,,,,.==^£§
@@@§£^=«., ,.«=^£§@@@
@@£££^=«., ,.«=^£££@@