,,~:%%§@@@ @@@§%%:~,,
,,~:%%§@@@ @@@§%%:~,,
,,~:%%§§@@ @@§§%%:~,,
,,~:%%§@@@ @@@§%%:~,,
,,,,,~:%§§ §§%:~,,,,,
,,~:%%§@@# Day , Dream , Daydream #@@§%%:~,,
,,~:%%§@@# ,,, ,,, #@@§%%:~,,
,,~::%%§@@ ,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, @@§%%::~,,
,,,,~:%%%§ §%%%:~,,,,
,,~:%%§@## ,% We Are Trying To Figure Out When %, ##@§%%:~,,
,,~:%%§@@@ ,% The Day Is, Really, Because There %, @@@§%%:~,,
,,~:%%§§@@ ,% Are Conflicting Views On This %, @@§§%%:~,,
,,,,~:%%§§ §§%%:~,,,,
,,,,,:%%%§ ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, , ,,,,, §%%%:,,,,,
,,,,,,:%%@ ,,,, ,,, ,, @%%:,,,,,,
,,~:%%§@@# #@@§%%:~,,
,,~:%%§@## Old School Thinkers And Worshippers ##@§%%:~,,
,,,,,,~%§@ Will Say That The Day Starts When The @§%~,,,,,,
,,~:%%%%§@ Sun Rises, Because, You Know, Thats @§%%%%:~,,
,,,,~:%§@@ True Isn'T It @@§%:~,,,,
,,,,,,,:%§ §%:,,,,,,,
,,,,,~%%§@ Boring People Will Say That The Day @§%%~,,,,,
,,~:%%§@@# Starts At Eight And Ends At Five... #@@§%%:~,,
,,,,,,~%§@ Don'T Believe Them @§%~,,,,,,
,,~:%%%%%§ §%%%%%:~,,
,,~:%%§@## New School Neuroatypical Beings Might ##@§%%:~,,
,,,,,,,:%§ Argue That The Day Starts When You Wake §%:,,,,,,,
,,~:%%§@## Up. ##@§%%:~,,
,,~:%%§@@# #@@§%%:~,,
,,,,,,,~%§ , §%~,,,,,,,
,,~:%%§@@# #@@§%%:~,,
,,~:%%§@## These Are Probably Different Concepts ##@§%%:~,,
,,~:%%§@## But The Confusion Is Neat ##@§%%:~,,
,,~:%§@@## ##@@§%:~,,
,,~~~~:%%@ I Mean You Can Be Awake At Night? @%%:~~~~,,
,,~:%%§@@# #@@§%%:~,,
,,~:%%§@@@ Maybe It'S Only A Day When You Are @@@§%%:~,,
,,:%%§@@## Awake To Experience It, And Then Only ##@@§%%:,,
,,~:%%§@@# If The Sun Is Up #@@§%%:~,,
,,,,,:%%@@ @@%%:,,,,,
,,~:%%§@@# What If Its Cloudy? #@@§%%:~,,
,,,~~~~%%@ @%%~~~~,,,
,,,,,:%§§@ @§§%:,,,,,
,,,,,,~:%§ §%:~,,,,,,
,,,,,,::%@ @%::,,,,,,
,,~:%%§@@# #@@§%%:~,,
,,~:%%§@@@ @@@§%%:~,,