...,,=*§§@ @§§*=,,...
.....,»*§# #§*»,.....
.,»=*£§### ###§£*=»,.
.,»=*§#@## ##@#§*=»,.
.,»=*£§### ###§£*=»,.
.,»=*£§#@# ok but watch out for bio drain tablets, #@#§£*=»,.
.,»=*£§#@# pills, powder, servings, drink, sludge #@#§£*=»,.
.....»»*£# #£*»».....
.,»=*£#@## bio drain is a wonderful tool that will ##@#£*=»,.
....,==£§@ remove life from an object and leave it @§£==,....
.,»=*£§#@# as a lifeless sculpture! #@#§£*=»,.
.....»*£## ##£*».....
.,»=*£§##@ bio drain is made by google for their @##§£*=»,.
....,=£££# loyal customers to use for fun! #£££=,....
.,»=*£§#@# #@#§£*=»,.
.....»=**§ bio drain is useless if the target is §**=».....
.,»=*£§#@@ already dead! @@#§£*=»,.
......»=£§ §£=»......
...,=*£§§§ §§§£*=,...
.,»*£§#@## ##@#§£*»,.
.,»=*£§#@@ @@#§£*=»,.
...,,»*££# #££*»,,...
....,,=££# #££=,,....