££,,,,£,,, ,,,,,££,,£
£,,££,,,££ ££££,,,,,,
,,,,,,£,,£ ,££,,££££,
£££££,,,,, ,,,,,,££,,
,£££,,££££ ,££££,,,,,
,,£,,,,£££ @££@ dentists like teeth @££@ ,,££,,££££
,,,,££,,££ £,,£ £,,£ £,,,,,,££,
£££,,,,,,£ £,,£ dentists like belting your £,,£ ,,££££,,,,
,£,,££££,, @££@ arms and legs to a specialized @££@ ,,,££,,££,
,,,,,££,,£ chair (the manufacturer must not ££,,,,,,,,
££££,,,,,, ask questions, or look them in the eye) £,,£££££££
£££,,££££, and prop your mouth open with a ,,,,££££££
££,,,,££,, spreader. £££,,£££££
£,,££,,,,, ££,,,,££££
,,,,,,££££ to take the finest weapon that the body £,,££,,£££
,££££,,£££ has to offer (the mouth), and ,,,,,,,,£,
,,££,,,,££ completely neutralize it, fold it open, £££££££,,,
£,,,,££,,, and tease it - this is their reward and ££££££,,££
,,££,,,,££ pleasure. £££££,,,,£
,,,,,££,,£ ,£££,,££,,
££££,,,,,, to touch their finger upon a fang... ,,£,,,,,,£
£££,,£££££ to let it pierce and draw blood... £,,,££££,,
,£,,,,££££ ,,£,,££,,,
,,,££,,££, in their lairs they have ,,,,,,,,££
,£,,,,,,,, wonderfully weird machines and tools £££££££,,,
,,,£££££££ to ---- well, what's more interesting ,£££££,,££
,£,,££££££ is that they can never operate ,,£££,,,,,
,,,,,£££££ on themselves (without significant £,,£,,££££
,£££,,££££ @££@ risk), but must instead visit @££@ ,,,,,,,££,
,,£,,,,££, £,,£ one of their own kin. dentists £,,£ ££££££,,,,
£,,,££,,,, £,,£ operating on dentists, £,,£ £££££,,£££
,,£,,,,£££ @££@ sh sh sh. makes you shudder. @££@ ££££,,,,££
,,,,££,,££ £££,,££,,,
£££,,,,,,, ££,,,,,,££
££,,££££££ £,,££££,,£
£,,,,££££, ,,,,££,,,,
,,££,,££,, ,££,,,,££,