###@**\~,, ,,~\**@###
#*\\~,,,,, ,,,,,~\\*#
@@***\~~,, ,,~~\***@@
@***\~,,,, ,,,,~\***@
###@**\~,, ,,~\**@###
###@**\~,, ,,~\**@###
###@**\~,, ,,,~~~ Outside ~~~,, ,,~\**@###
#****\,,,, ,,,,\\\\\,,,, ,,,,\****#
###@**\~,, ,,~\**@###
####@*\~,, Everything Cool Happens Outisde! It'S ,,~\*@####
@***\,,,,, Where Weather Happens, It'S The SunS ,,,,,\***@
###@**\~,, Domain. ,,~\**@###
#@@*~~,,,, ,,,,~~*@@#
###@**\~,, Trees Are Outside, RiverS Are Outside, ,,~\**@###
#**~,,,,,, Most AnimalS Are Outside. ,,,,,,~**#
#@*\,,,,,, ,,,,,,\*@#
###@**\~,, ,,,,\\\\\,,,, ,,~\**@###
@@***\~,,, ,,,~\***@@
#**\~,,,,, "Inside" Is An Artificial Construct ,,,,,~\**#
@@@***\~,, ,,~\***@@@
@*~,,,,,,, Mathematically Placed Trees On The Side ,,,,,,,~*@
#@**\~,,,, Of The Road ,,,,~\**@#
###@**\~,, ,,~\**@###
###@**\~,, Cities Come At A Peculiar And Horrible ,,~\**@###
#@*\\~,,,, Cost, That Must Be Kept Secret. This Is ,,,,~\\*@#
#**\\\,,,, The Power Of "Inside" ,,,,\\\**#
#@@@**\~,, ,,~\**@@@#
##****\~,, ,,~\****##
####**\~,, ,,~\**####
###@**\~,, ,,~\**@###
##**\\,,,, ,,,,\\**##
@**\,,,,,, ,,,,,,\**@