@@,@@@,,,, @@,@@@,,@@
,@@,,@,,,, ,@@,,@,@,,
@,@,@@,,,, @,@,@@@@,,
@@@@,@,,,@ @@@@,,,@,@
,,,@@@,,@, ,,,@,,@@@,
,,@,,@,@@, , ,,@@,@,,@,
,@@,@@@,@, , ,@,@@@,@@,
@,@@,,@@@, , -, @@@,,@@,@,
@@,@,@,,@, Gull Call. , , - ,,@,@,@@@@
,@@@@@,@@, ---------------------------------------- ,@@@@@,,,,
@,,,,@@,@, @,,,,@,,,,
@,,,@,@@@, The Seagull Is A Metaphysics Trick; A @,,,@@,,,@
@,,@@@,,@@ World-Builder'S Shortcut, To Define A @,,@,@,,@,
@,@,,@,@,@ Section Of Reality And Imply Its Size: @,@@@@,@@@
@@@,@@@@@@ Place A Flock Of Birds At The Edge And @@,,,@@,,,
,,@@,,,,,@ Make Their Calls Tesselate Over The ,@,,@,@,,@
,@,@,,,,@, Entire Volume @@,@@@@,@@
@@@@,,,@@, ,@@,,,@@,@
,,,@,,@,@, A Seagull Can Be Defined By As Little @,@,,@,@@,
,,@@,@@@@@ As Five Vertices; Six Triangles. (I @@@,@@@,@,
,@,@@,,,,@ Would Recommend Handling In Swarms Of ,,@@,,@@@,
@@@,@,,,@, At Least A Dozen Birds.) ,@,@,@,,@,
,,@@@,,@@, @@@@@@,@@@
,@,,@,@,@, ,,,,,@@,,@
@@,@@@@@@, ,,,,@,@,@@
,@@,,,,,@, ,,,@@@@@,,
@,@,,,,@@, ,,@,,,,@,,