,.«$§##### #####§$«.,
,.«\$§#### ####§$\«.,
,.«\$§#### ####§$\«.,
,,,,.\§### ###§\.,,,,
,.«\$§#### ####§$\«.,
,.«\$§§§## , ##§§§$\«.,
,,,,««$§## , ##§$««,,,,
,.«\$§#### , ., ####§$\«.,
,.«\$§#### Gull Call. , , . ####§$\«.,
,.«\$§#### «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« ####§$\«.,
,,,..«$§## ##§$«..,,,
,.«\$§#### The Seagull Is A Metaphysics Trick; A ####§$\«.,
,.«\$$§### World-Builder'S Shortcut, To Define A ###§$$\«.,
,.«\$§#### Section Of Reality And Imply Its Size: ####§$\«.,
,,,,,.\§## Place A Flock Of Birds At The Edge And ##§\.,,,,,
,.«\$$$$## Make Their Calls Tesselate Over The ##$$$$\«.,
,,,,,,«$§# Entire Volume #§$«,,,,,,
,.«««\$$$# #$$$\«««.,
,.«\$§#### A Seagull Can Be Defined By As Little ####§$\«.,
,.«\$§#### As Five Vertices; Six Triangles. (I ####§$\«.,
,,,,,,,«$# Would Recommend Handling In Swarms Of #$«,,,,,,,
,.«\$§#### At Least A Dozen Birds.) ####§$\«.,
,,..\$$### ###$$\..,,
,,,,.«$$## ##$$«.,,,,
,,,,.\\$## ##$\\.,,,,
,.«\$##### #####$\«.,
,.«\$§#### ####§$\«.,