,,«:%£@@## ##@@£%:«,,
,,,,,«:£@@ @@£:«,,,,,
,,,,,,««%@ @%««,,,,,,
,,«:%£@@@# #@@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## #£«,, nothing ,,«£# ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%%££@@ ##@@%«, is ,«%@@## @@££%%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## #%:«,, real ,,«:%# ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@@@ an ambifractous observation @@@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@### ###@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@@# ,organizational level, #@@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ##@@£%:«,,
,,,,,«%%@@ @@%%«,,,,,
,,«:%£@@@# the stated purpose is never the #@@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## actuality, everything is used for ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## something else, perhaps by design but ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## also very much by inevitability. its a ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%@@### miasma of secret intetions. you can ###@@%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## never know. ##@@£%:«,,
,,,,,«:££@ @££:«,,,,,
,,,,«%£@@@ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, @@@£%«,,,,
,,«:%£@@## ,individual level, ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ##@@£%:«,,
,,,,,,:£@# #@£:,,,,,,
,,«:%£@@## to navigate these currents and ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@@@ corridors you need to be somewhat false @@@@£%:«,,
,,«:£@@### yourself, if there is such a thing. ###@@£:«,,
,,«:%£@@## it's about not playing your hand until ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## the cotton candy's worn off. it's about ##@@£%:«,,
,,,««%%%@@ pretending not to notice so that you @@%%%««,,,
,,«:%£@### can be where you have to be for the ###@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## next step. ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£££@# ,conscious level, #@£££%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@@# #@@@£%:«,,
,,«:%@@### it takes about a second for phenomena ###@@%:«,,
,,,,,«%%£@ to reach your conscious brain. by this @£%%«,,,,,
,,,«::£££@ time it has already been fully @£££::«,,,
,,«:%£@@## processed. youre body has begun to move ##@@£%:«,,
,,,,«%££@# in anticipation, before the event has #@££%«,,,,
,,«:%£@@## even happened (for you). ##@@£%:«,,
,,,,«::££@ @££::«,,,,
,,,,«%%£@@ not much more but the conscious logbook @@£%%«,,,,
,,«:%£@@## for your body, as it roams around the ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## continent avaliable to you. the ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%%%£@@ mind-body needs lucubration and that's @@£%%%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## your job, to gather and process data to ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%££@@# adjust the decision making process. to #@@££%:«,,
,,«:%%%%@@ be connected to zoom, to microsoft teams @@%%%%:«,,
,,,,,:%%@@ @@%%:,,,,,
,,,,««%££@ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, @££%««,,,,
,,,,,«%@@# ,etymological level, #@@%«,,,,,
,,«:%£@@## ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ##@@£%:«,,
,,,,,,,«%@ @%«,,,,,,,
,,,,,:£@@# there is no actual "borders" between #@@£:,,,,,
,,,,,,,«%@ anything, the thing and the not-thing @%«,,,,,,,
,,,,,«%@@# is a false dichtonomy. there is only #@@%«,,,,,
,,«:%£@@## one object, in the whole of the ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## universe, one continuous object, which ##@@£%:«,,
,,«:%£@@## encompasses all of everything. ##@@£%:«,,
,,,,::£@@@ all distinctions within this object are @@@£::,,,,
,,,,::%%£@ made up. @£%%::,,,,
,,,,,::%£@ @£%::,,,,,
,,,,::££@@ @@££::,,,,
,,«:%£@@@@ @@@@£%:«,,
,,,,,,:%£@ @£%:,,,,,,
,,«:%£@@## ##@@£%:«,,
,,«::%££@# #@££%::«,,